Chapter 81

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Foggy's POV

"Matt?" I called out as I walked down the stairs.

His place was quiet, still and dark but I know I heard something. As I stepped off of the last step and onto the floor the floorboard was cracked and creaked under my foot. The entire board moved, and I had to quickly remove my foot, so I did not fall threw the floor. I looked up and around the room the table and lamp where nocked over. It looked like there was a serous fight that happened here. I stepped around the mess and took the batt off the wall that hung nearby.

"If anyone who's in here is not supposed to be, I will mess you up. I'm not kidding." I called out hopping the person would not be able to tell how scared I am.

From the corner of my eye I could see a shadow coming out of Matt's room. There was not much light in the room only the light that shone in threw the windows. So, at first all I could make out was a body covered in black leather and healed boots. It took me a second to realize it was a girl. The girl groaned out as she held onto her stomach as if she was in pain. I tried to make out her features, but she was wearing a black long-sleeved hooded shirt that fit her body tightly. Her face under the food at first, I could not make out but then she looked up at me and the skeleton face mask that covered her mouth was visible. I heart dropped into my stomach as I realized I was standing in front of The Reaper. She was in Matts apartment.

"Where's Matt? What'd you do to him?" I asked her but before she could answer she fell face first onto the floor.

She must really be hurt because she did not even put her hands out to catch herself.

"Shit." I said as I pulled out my phone to call 911, but before I could hit send, I heard a voice from Matts bedroom. I look into it to see The Devil of Hell's Kitchen lying in Matts bed.

"What the fuck?" I asked as I looked back to The Reaper. She was covered in blood obviously badly injured.

"What am I doing?" I asked myself as I bent down and pulled her mask off her face.

The air was nocked out my lungs as I looked down to the person under the mask. It was Lina. I took a few steps away from her as my brain failed to prosses what I was seeing. Then it was as if a light bulb went off in my head. I looked back to The Devil of Hell's Kitchen and quickly made my way over to the bed. I pulled down his mask.

"Matt?" I asked as I looked at him. "What the hell is happening?"

I took out my phone again to call 911.

"No, no hospitals." Lunas voice came from behind me.

I looked back at her and Luna was sitting up looking at me. I put away my phone.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked her.

"It's a long story, one that can't involve the cops. I need you to help me undress him." She told me.

"Why?" I asked her.

"So, I can see his wounds." She answered.

"What about your wound?" I asked her as I pointed to her side that she was still holding.

"Don't worry about me I'll be fine." She answered as she walked past me and to Matts side.

I did not believe her that she was going to be okay, but I really did not want to argue with her, so I helped her undress Matt. She bossed me around to get her clothes, water and all the medical supplies in Matts place while she worked to clean him up so we could see the extent of his wounds.

"Shit what happened to him?" I asked her.

"Would you believe me if I said he got into a fight with a ninja?" She asked back.

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