Chapter 51 - Matt's Pov

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I woke up after the explosion, my head was in a great deal of pain and I could not breathe. I coughed out in pain as I pushed the Russian off of me. I forced myself to roll over to my side as I tried to figure out what was happening. Now that I was on my side I could tell that Luna was lying a few feet away from me. I forced myself up and over to her.

"Luna," I said as I started to shake her, trying to wake her.

My senses were out of wack and I could not tell if she was dead or not. I let out a large sigh of relief when her eyes opened and she coughed out trying to filler her lungs with air. She groaned out as she reached for her ribs. I reached out to touch her ribs and she hissed out in pain. I focused on her and could tell he had cracked a few ribs, her lips were busted and had lacerations all over her body. She was bleeding enough that I could taste the copper in the air. She even possibly had a concussion, there was a large lump forming on the back of her head where she had hit it against the concrete.

"Luna, can you move?" I asked her.

"Can you." She responded causing me to laugh out then instantly regretted it as my entire body ached from the slight movement.

"Vladimir! Vladimir!" A voice yelled out in the distance.

I could hear Luna's heartbeat pick up at the sound of the Russians voice. She started to become more nervous.

"We need to go now," I told her as I forced myself up.

"Give me a second." She responded as she laid there on her back.

"Now," I told her as I pulled her up off the ground and up to a fire escape out the view.

"Vladimir!" The Russian yelled again but this time it was not just a voice, two men walked out of the building.

We watched the two men walk outside and I swear I heard Luna's heart skip a beat as she watched them walk out. Something was wrong with her and I could not tell if it was just because of how injured she is.

I followed them for a few seconds leaving Luna behind before jumping down landing on them. I knocked the both of them down. We all fell down and the man I assumed was Vladimir was the first to get up. He stood there with a gun pointed at me. Before I could react Luna jumped down from where I had left her and kicked the gun out of his hand just in time as he pulled the trigger. The bullet barely missed me. Luna fell down to the ground not being able to land properly but she had done enough to save my life. I quickly ran over and hit him three times in the face. He fell to the ground and I used the little energy I had left to kick him in the face. He fell over and stopped fighting but I continued to hit him.

"This one for Claire!" I yelled as I went to punch him again but was stopped by the sound of police sirens approaching us.

I sat frozen over him as two cars pulled over and four cops stepped out of the cars. All had guns pointed at us. Luna was still lying on the ground trying her hardest to stand back up.

"Hands up!" The first cop yelled at me.

"Hands up!" The second yelled.

"Raise them!" The third one yelled as if the other two had not said the same thing.

"Hands up know!" The fourth cop yelled.

I slowly raised my hands above my head, as I tried not to move much else.

"Check the three on the ground. Suspects in custody." The first cop said as they started walking over to us.

"On the ground now, you son of a bitch!" The second cop yelled.

"Don't move! Don't you freakin move! Interlock your fingers behind your head...and get on your knees. Do it! Do it know!" The first cop yelled at me, I did what he said.

"Don't move or I'll put a bullet in you." He threatened me.

"Last chance asshole! I will not hesitate to put you down!" The second cop said to me.

"Keep your eyes on him." The third cop told the others as he pointed at me.

"You got him?" The second cop asked.

"Yeah," the first one said he snapped a handcuff on one of my wrists.

"What about this asshole?" The second cop asked as he pointed to Vladimir.

"Take care of him like we were told to. No witnesses." The first cop answered.

Before anyone could even move Luna sprung into action.

"No!" She yelled as he whips snapped out and hit the gun out of the cops hands.

I quickly shot up and headbutted the cop who was trying to cuff me. One of the others started to run at me and I kicked him in the chest. Luna had forced her self up and was on her feet. She was standing over Vladimir as if she was trying to protect him. I punched the cop was running at me and at that same moment Luna slid under my arm and kicked the one who was running at me from behind. She had kicked him in the ankle and he feels to the ground with a large snap. She defiantly had broken his ankle. One of the guns pointed a gun at her and I reached out and grabbed hold of it moving it slightly so that when the shot went off a second later it missed her. The bullet instead ended up in Vladimir's leg, as he yelled out in pain. The gunshot wound seemed to have woken him up.

The first cop swings at me again and I blocked it with my arm before using my other to elbow the cop in the face. I threw him down on the ground and kicked him in the face knocking him out before he had the chance to get back up.

"How bad are you hurt?" I asked Vladimir who only started yelling at me in Russian and tried reaching for his gun.

I kicked the gun away then kicked him in the face knocking him out again.

"That looked like it hurt," Luna said as she limped her way over to me.

Before I could react more sirens started to come around the corner.

"Help me carry him," I told her and she started to pick him up.

"Why are we helping him?" She asked even though I could tell she had no intention of leaving him behind.

"I still have questions," I answered her.

"Of course you do." She mumbled as she helped me lead him out of this ally.

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