Chapter 72

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I was at my shitty apartment trying to figure out my life when there was a knock on my door.

"Seriously, who the fuck is there?" I yelled, but there was no response just another knock at the door.

"I swear to god," I mumbled to myself as I got up and walked over to my door.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked as I opened the door to see an old fat, nicely dressed man standing on the other side of it.

I looked at him confused before sticking my head out into the hall to see if there was some mistake.

"How can I help you?" I asked him confused.

"Are you Miss. Alvarez, Luna Alvarez?" The man asked me.

"Who the fuck is asking?" I replied as I reached behind my door to grab my large blade that was hanging on the back of the door.

My fingers closed around the handle as he looked at me.

"They told me you would not like me asking questions, my name is Aleksandr, and I was Ranskahov's attorney." He told me.

It took me a second to take in what he was telling me. Once the shock wore off, I stepped out of the way and let him in but grabbed my blade off the door taking it over to the couch with me just in case.

"There will be no need for that today?" He told me.

"I'll be the judge of that," I answered.

"Well let's get started. Like I said I represented the Ranskahov's and I was told to give this to you in the wake of there deaths." He said as he handed me a small white envelope.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I don't know, it is meant just for your eyes." He told me.

I held the envelope for a few seconds before opening it up. Once it was open, I reached inside to see that there was a piece of paper and a small silver key. I took out the key and looked it over before placing it down on the coffee table. I opened the folded piece of paper to see that it was a handwritten letter from Vlad. I took a deep breath before starting to read it.


If you're reading this, that means both my brother and I are dead. I am genuinely sorry that we did not get to spend our lives together as we had planned, but that does not mean we have forgotten about you. You will be taken care of for the rest of your life. We have left you everything. Our empire, our men, who will listen to you if they know whats good for them. And all of my other assets. In this envelope there is a key, I know you have a way of finding things. You will know where to go. I'm not good with words and you know that, but you are my everything as I am yours. So do me a favor, kill whoever it was who took us out.

Love Vlad"

I read the letter a few times not knowing what I expected to change. It was very Vlad. Short, not sweet and right to the point. I finally put it down and picked up the key to looking it over again. There were no markings on it. NO way of identifying where it belonged.

"There is one more." He said to me as he handed me the second envelope.

"Hello, Darling,

Bye knows you have read Vlad's letter letting you know we have left you everything. I also know that Vlad is not good at expressing his feelings. So I will do it for him. We are not perfect, and you don't always agree with the shit we try to pull, and you're not afraid to voice your opinion. This is what we love about you. You were never scared to make yourself our equal and not settle to stand behind us like the rest of the girls who fall at our feet. You are the only person the two of us trust besides each other. We know you will take care of our legacy."

He wrote, and I could not help but almost shed a tear knowing that they expected me to take care of there business and people when there was no one left.

"I know I should not be saying this to you because your probably married to my brother by now but were both dead so what the hell. You mean more to me then you will ever know. And I genuinely regret screwing up my chance with you. Seeing you happy with my brother honestly hurts my heart. I have loved every moment you spent making not only me happy but my brother as well. Take care, and give them hell.

Love Anatoly"

"Is this is?" I asked as I folded his letter and put it next to Vlad's.

"That's all I have. I need you to sign this paper, and I will be on my way." He told me.

I grabbed the paper from him and read it over. It said that he gave me the documents he was supposed to and that I excepted them. The second piece of paper gave me the legal right to his legally owned properties and his and his brother's burial details. Anatoly had already been taken care of, but Vlad never got a chance to bring him back to Russia. Vlad's body, on the other hand, was still in the police morgue.

I signed the papers, and he took his copies and gave me mine.

"Whats the key for?" He asked as he got up to leave.

I looked up from the key that still sat on the table then back to him with suspicion in my eyes.

"Never mind pretend I didn't ask." He said as he grabbed his things and hurried out the door.

Once he was gone, I slammed the door shut and sat back down on the couch staring at the mysterious key for I don't even know how long.

"Where the fuck will you lead me?" I asked as I picked up the key and headed out the door.

I held the key tightly in my fist and used all my energy to concentrate on nothing but the key. I closed my eyes for a second as I took in a large breath to calm my nerves. When I opened my eyes again, there was a bright cord that started at my fist and moved away from me down the stairs and outside to the street.

"Here we go," I said as I followed the line hoping it would not lead me to my death.

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