Chapter 1

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DISCLAIMER: I've gotten so many comments to the age-gap and here is my explanation. So no more comments PLEASE!

"What the hell am I going to do?" She thought running for her life

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"What the hell am I going to do?" She thought running for her life. And yes, from the cops. Elize Jacobs was running for her life . She ran into an alley, jumped over a few boxes and then a dumpster in which she climbed over and yet faced with another obstacle.

She faced a wall.

"Shit!" She groaned, hitting herself in the head. "All of that for freaking nothing!"

Then she saw the lights bouncing off the wall in front of her and she turned around and saw the unmistakably red, blue and white bright lights, that everyone knew.

The feds.

There was absolutely no where to go. She had came through a dead-end alley, so she proposed, that the only way was to go back that way she came and pray she could sneak away without them seeing her. Or...

she could go up.

She looked up and saw a fire escape ladder. She shrugged her shoulders. 'It's worth a try. I may go to jail anyways.' She thought sarcastically. She climbed back up on the dumpster, watching her steps, so she didn't fall in.

"Gross, Gross, Gross!" She whined. She breathed and jumped off two feet higher to grab the bottom of the ladder. She successfully held it and pulled her weight down to bring it down as well. She squealed when it loosed and fell down. She lost her hand and then she fell on her back. She screamed aloud. She felt her curly hair around her. The fall was so hard, it made her clip fall out and break.

"God, you owe me," She muttered. but was caught off by shouting.

"Come on, she couldn't have gotten far!" She knew the voice. It was supposedly suppose to be her real father. The one that abandoned her, and only came back, because her mom won the lottery and died of stage 4 Cancer. Basically it was hers, but not until she turned 18.

'3 more years,' She thought getting off the ground. She climbed the dumpster once again and then the ladder. She counted in spanish in her head as she climbed. She reached the stairwell and looked around, then she looked behind her. A window. 'God I hope it's open.' She pushed on it, and smiled.

"I can't possibly get in more trouble than I am in now," She said to herself. She quickly went through it and closed it when she heard the police coming through the alley.

She locked it. It was pitch-black, but with the moonlight she could see shapes. It was a large apartment with furniture all around. She took her phone out of her pocket.. An Iphone 5s which her 'father'' got for her.

"He probably thinks I'm going to repay him back. Sucker." She snorted, then she fell over a table.


And then, when she she thought it couldn't get anymore worse, a glass dish fell. The crash shook her and she unfortunately dropped phone which slid across the floor. She huffed and flipped her hair out of her face.

"How much fucking times can I fall in 10 minutes. Damn!" She hissed. Her eyes and ears perked up as she heard more movement. She scattered to go get her phone, which was still lit. She crawled to it when the bedroom door opened. She looked at the figure, dead on and got it and ran back to the window.

"STOP!!!" The person shouted. Elize stopped and muttered another curse.

"Whoever the HELL you are? Don't think I don't have a gun, because I do! Now let's talk about this rationally. Speak your name," The person clocked the gun and walked out. The stranger turned on their living room light and saw the girl.

Elize turned around with her phone in her hand and her hands in the air. When Elize turned around, she lost her breath.
The person was a woman, but not any woman. This was an extraordinarily beautiful woman.

She was mesmerized by her. She had a caramel complexion with curly brown, shoulder length hair. She wore a short black silk nightgown with lace at the hem and the bust. She looked around 5'8 and was built as Elize looked at her structure of abs through the night gown. She gazed at her beauty, which was enticing. She found her voice.

"I-I-I-I'm Elize Marie-Anne Jacobs. I'm fifteen. My birthday is December 24th. You know one day from Christmas," She smiled awkwardly, but cleared her throat. "Um-Um" She didn't know what to say.

"I lost my mother to Cancer three months ago," 'Why the hell did I say that?' She battled with herself. "My father abadoned me and now he's looking for me with his police force. I saw the ladder, I climbed it, I fell," She laughed nervously.

" I got up and... climbed it, and.... I saw your window. It was open, so I came in. I'm really sorry to intrude in your home.... apartment.... place, so yeah," She smiled deflatedly. She felt like explaining everything to this woman and a whole lot more. The woman kept her gun on her, until she lowered it.

She could see she was telling the truth. She was 15 and you could see bags under her eyes. Her long hair was ruffled with a fork inside it. She wanted to smile, but she restrained herself. Her clothes were dirty and her shirt was torn by her mid-riff. She saw a belly-button piercing with was just the letter 'M'.

"Okay Elize.... I'm Dominique," They looked at each other in the eyes for the first time.

Green eyes looking at brown eyes.

They held their gaze for several seconds before Elize felt the buzz in her hand. She looked away and at her phone, where her best friend messaged her. Dominique blushed, looking away. She pushed her hair out of her face.

"Okay--" She was starting to say, but cut off by banging on the door.

"POLICE! Open up, emergency." Elize started to breath erratically. She backed up against the window. " She found her voice again.

"Dominique, you have to help me, please! I can't live with that man. My life will be over before it even started.... please," She begged. Her tears formed in her eyes and a tear dropped. She wiped it away. Dominique looked at her and saw a vulnerable fifteen year-old who had no one.

"Please," She begged one more time. Dominique bit her lips and made up her mind. She probably was going to regret it, but hey, she was cute. She smiled softly.

"Open up please or we will be forced to come in!" They shouted.

"Come on!" She whispered, holding out her hand. Elize smiled, looking at it and ran to her taking her hand. Their warmth combined and they looked at each other again.

'Wow,' Elize thought.

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