Chapter 2 • Tradition

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Mackenzie's POV

I walked up the stairs and into the school. My girls at my side. Ready to get the first day over with.

As we walked through the halls, we were stopped by the boys. They consisted of:

Johnny Orlando; Lauren's brother, has the perfect green eyes. Really funny and sweet, makes me feel like I'm special when I feel bad. He's a great guy, an amazing singer and plays basically most every sport, baseball, football, basketball and hockey. Mostly ice hokey though.

Hayden Summerall; Annie's boyfriend. Has brown eyes, black curly hair. He's like John, plays the same sports except for hockey, like the rest of the boys, really good singer. He likes to joke around a lot and play pranks.

Carson Lueders; Lauren's boyfriend, has blonde hair. It's basically almost white. Has blue eyes. An amazing singer, guitarist, pianist and drummer. Mostly plays football, basketball and motocross. He plays baseball, but, he's caught up with a lot of his music really so he likes to play his music more. I think it's cool though. He's like the boys with playing pranks and making jokes.

Jacob Sartorious; singer, and athletic as hell. Plays all the same sports as John. Including hockey. He acts like a fuckboy but, once you get to know him he's really nice. He's one big of a jokester but, has a big heart.

Ashton Rowland; he's not much of the performer as the rest of the boys. But, he plays sports, basketball, football, and baseball. He has two older brothers but, they're kind of pains in the asses so we don't talk to them that much.

They're all nice boys. They're funny boys too. So it's nice to have them around.

"Hey babe," John says, kissing me.

I kissed him back and wrapped my arm around his waist. His arm over my shoulder holding my right hand.

"So classes, we have lunch together. What else?" Hayden asks.

We take out our schedules and scan through them, naming out the teachers and the class we had. Basically realizing all of our classes were the same except for one out of our seven class periods.

The boys took weightlifting while the girls and I took art.

The other elective that we all had together was creative writing. Our actual classes we had together were English honors, pre-calculus honors, and AP economics.

Regardless it's not bad. It's just one class, so I mean every other class we see each other.

"So what is everyone doing after school?" Ashton asks.

"Nothing," the girls and I respond.

"The boys and I were thinking to get some McDonald's after school. You know, tradition," Carson suggested.

We nodded, we can't miss the tradition.

Our tradition is after the first day of school we go down to McDonald's, order a crap ton of food and just eat it all there. Talking about classes and people we hate. Just ranting about life.

It was fun. Like our own little detox in a way. If a detox is eating forty dollars worth of greasy burgers, fries and chicken nuggets with large sodas.

"Come on let's get to class before the bell rings," Lauren says.


The last bell rung. Signaling school was over. We loaded out of our class and out of the school. Walking to the parking lot.

We find Lexi's Jeep Patriot and Johnny's Land Rover parked next to each other. Just the way it was this morning.

We got in the cars, the same people in each just as this morning, and drove down to the McDonald's. It's about a ten minute drive, so it's not bad.

All we really did was blast music until we got there.

We pulled up and parked the cars. We walked in together, the guys getting in line while the field and I went to the large booth, sitting down reserving it for us.

When the guys returned five minutes later they had ten trays. One in each hand. We laughed as they placed it in front of us and takes a seat.

"So guys, first day of senior year was a success," Ruby says, eating a fry.

"Agreed," we say stuffing our faces.

"Guys, senior year, we need to make it memorable," I say. "We need to do something fun and hella crazy."

"Totally, we should throw the most bomb ass party this year," Jacob states.

I nodded. Something in me was telling me that it's not crazy enough. We need to do something bigger. I just don't know what's bigger though.

"So Mack, how's Maddie? Her weddings soon she must be excited," Lauren says.

I nodded and take a sip of my soda and nod. "Ya, her and Jack are coming over for dinner today to finish up a few things."

"Can't wait for it though it'll be nice," Ruby smiled.

"Ya, it's nice she invited you guys and your family's," I say.

"Well, can't wait to get with the maid of honor," John smirks, kissing me.

I kissed him back and giggled. He's so stupid.

"You are disgusting John," Lauren scoffs.

"Hey I've heard you say worse with Carson," John counters.

We laughed and laughed. It was great. This is what I enjoyed the most, being with my friends. It didn't matter if we had our adventures like we used to when we were younger, as long as its us we have a great time.

When my mom is being a giant pain in the ass most of the time, they were my escape. It was great. I couldn't ask for better friends.

What's up guys hope you had or are having a great day.

Here is chapter two. I know we did reach the goal completely but I'll be nice because I worked really hard on this story and I've been dying for y'all to read it for like ever.

Anyways if you get this to 15 votes and 10 comments I'll update again.

Bye loves xoxo

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