Chapter 5 • Football Game

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Mackenzie's POV

I walked to lunch and take a seat at the table with my friends. Finally it's Friday. The week is over. Now we celebrate with a Friday night football game.

The boys are wearing their football jerseys for the game. And John is looking really cute today. He might score more than touchdowns tonight.

"You boys excited for the game tonight?" Lexi asks.

"Ya, and we're going to win tonight. I'm sure of it," Jacob answers confidently.

"Who are we playing?" I ask.

"BayLake bitches," John answered.

I nodded and steal some of his food. He just laughs and wraps an arm around me. Holding me tightly with his one arm.

"So who's excited for Holden's party?" Carson asked.

We all raised our hands and laughed. "How did you even find out? Nobody knew about it until yesterday," Annie questioned.

"He texted me Tuesday and asked if I was interested. Also it's BYOA and BYOW," Carson said.

BYOA- bring your own alcohol.
BYOW- bring you're own weed.

"I got that," I say, drinking my Mountain Dew.

"Of course you do Mack," Lauren laughed.

"My parents haven't actually drank anything in forever, plus fake ID. And two, I got my dealer and my stash," I defend.

They laughed and shook their heads.

"So who's house are we staying at?" Hayden asks.

"We can stay at mine. My parents aren't home. They won't be until Monday," Lexi suggested.

"Okay sounds like a plan. Who's the DD?" Annie questioned.

"Well not Mackenzie," Carson jokes.

I shoot him a glare while everyone laughed. "Seriously though, I think it'll be me probably," Ashton says. "I mean, I can't drink remember?"

Ashton has liver problems so he can't drink. Like he can, but, nothing too much. I think the most he can do is two drinks. Not even, but after that. Anymore alcohol can kill him.

"Okay, so we have our DD, everything's basically done," Hayden smiled.

I smiled too. I literally cannot wait. This party is going to be fun. Hella fun.


The final bell rings. My friends and I run to the cars, getting in and driving off to go get food and hang out. Before the boys have to be back for practice.

"Where does everyone want to go?" I ask, with the boys on speaker phone.

"We can stop at someone's house hang there and pick up McDonald's or something," Ashton suggested.

"Sounds good," Lauren says.

"We can go to my house," I say. "I don't think anyone's home so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Okay we will meet you there," Jacob says.

I hang up the phone and Lexi drives to my house. We pull up and see some cars in the driveway. I groaned loudly.

"Why are people home?!"

"They're probably going to leave soon don't worry," Annie said.

I sighed and we all got out of the car. Walking to the front door of the large house. I unlocked the door and open it up. Immediately greeted by Maddie, Jack and their friends.

"Hey Mack," Maddie smiled.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I question.

"We got out of our lease early. We're moving in today and tomorrow instead," Jack answered.

I nodded, closing the door behind Lexi.

"Hey girls," Maddie greeted, giving them hugs.

"Hey Maddie," my friends greet, hugging her back.

"Congrats by the way, we heard the news," Lauren said.

"Thank you," Maddie smiled. "So what are you girls up to?"

"The boys are getting McDonald's and going to meet us here before they have to go to their football game. Then we're going to go the game later," I explain.

"Okay, what time are you coming home?" Maddie asked.

"Madz, you're not a mom yet," I say, walking towards the kitchen, everyone following behind me.

"I know, but, j was thinking we could watch a movie or something tonight," Maddie suggested.

"Well we're probably going to get food after with the boys so midnight one o'clock," I say.

Maddie nodded and then the doorbell rang. Knowing it was the boys, i shouted the door was open.

Sure enough, the boys walked in with bags of McDonald's in their hands.

"Hello," they smiled.

The girls and I laughed and sat down at the table.

"I miss football games," Maddie whined.

"You can come if you want," Ashton offered.

"I wish, but, I have to make sure Jack and everyone else doesn't break anything," Maddie sighed.

"Then why are you sitting in here?" I question.

"Because I was to see you guys. I can't believe you're all seniors. I remember when you were like babies," Maddie said.

I just laughed and rolled my eyes. Thinking if this is two months of pregnancy I'm afraid to see what the rest of this will look like.


"And the Eagles score yet again!" The announcer shouts.

The whole crowd is screaming. Cheering on our football team. They're doing amazing. We're winning 27-0. It's almost the end of the third quarter.

There's a chance we can still get more points. We shall see though.

"The boys are doing so good," Lexi smiled.

"I know right?! It's awesome!" Ruby agrees.

Soon the third quarter ends and the fourth flies by. The final touchdown scored by John. We won 45-6.

It was a great game. Obviously no coming back for the BayLake Bitches.

We go down to the field and run towards the boys. Tackling them in hugs.

"Babe you did so good!" I say, kissing John.

"I couldn't have done it with out you cheering me on Mack," he smiled.

I smiled back and gave him another kiss. "My house later okay?"

He nodded with a grin on his face knowing what I was talking about.


It's currently two in the morning. I'm waiting for Johnny. I locked myself in my room. Just to be sure nobody could walk in.

I heard a knock at my window. I look over and see John. Who climbed from the first story. I laughed and let him in.

"Hey babe," he says, kissing my cheek.

"Hey," I say, closing the window.

"You ready?" John questions.

"Very," I smirked.

He smirked too. Well, let's just say I didn't sleep until four in the morning.

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