Chapter 40 • Hammered

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Mackenzie's POV

Another weekend another party. I can't really complain though, all the parties this year have been amazing. At least what I can remember.

This party was no different. Holden was throwing yet another party, and again we were invited. And luckily for me, if anything, Maddie said we can crash at her place. So that's another plus because none of our parents are out of town and we'd be killed if we came home drunk.

I mean, Maddie is like a parent but she won't be too bitchy to actually do anything.

I look in the mirror and fix my outfit. It's a black crop top, black ripped skinny jeans and black heel boots.

I smiled and grabbed my leather jacket to go with the outfit and my phone. Rushing downstairs and out the door. Shouting goodbye to my parents as I exit the house.

I run to John's car and get in the passengers seat. Everyone else is in the back talking or on their phones when I get in. Quickly I pecked his cheek and put on my seatbelt.

"You guys ready?" John asked.

"Yes!" We replied.

He smiled and drove off, away from my house and down to Holden's.

"So where are we staying after?" Lexi asked.

"Maddie said we can stay at her house," I answer.

"She won't be mad if we're drunk?" Lauren questioned.

"I mean, she will but she won't be a bitch and tell our parents."

They nodded agreeing with my statement and continue on their phones. Doing whatever it was they were doing before.

I sighed and looked out the window, looking at the cars and houses pass by. Eventually pulling up to the large house with multiple cars parked outside.

"It's Party time!" Hayden shouted happily.

Him and Jacob ran out of the car and basically raced to the house to get inside. We couldn't help but to laugh at how weird they are.

Walking inside you can feel the vibrations of the music and the smell of pot and alcohol filled the air. It was a smell I loved too much. I could never get tired of it. When you put two together you have a great night. It's even better with acid.

Boy, acid has such a great trip. Sadly everyone doesn't like it as much as I do, so I don't do it as much as I would like to. But, when I do do it, Holden is my buddy.

"I'm going to get us some drinks!" John shouts.

I nodded and followed the girls to the dancing. We started to dance around and have fun. When the boys came back, they handed us the red solo cups filled with alcoholic drinks.

Making this a thousand times better. We had about three drinks in the span of an hour. When Johnny went to get more, someone tapped my shoulder. I turn around and see Holden.

"Hey Kenzie," Holden said pulling me off to the side.

"What's up Holden?"

"Nothing much, so look I know you love cid and I do too. So I have a little present for us," he smirked.

"No way!" I gasped. "Seriously?!"

He nodded, "your friends wouldn't mind if I stole you for like thirty minutes right?" He asked.

I shake my head no. Just then John returns with another drink for me. "Hey babe, hey Holden," John smiled.

"Hey, would you mind if I stole her for thirty minutes?" Holden asked.

"No why? What's up?" John asked.

"We're going on a trip," Holden winked.

Johnny understood and nodded. He doesn't like when I'm on acid but, he can't stop me. He knows either way I'll do it.

With that I smiled and kissed John. Following behind Holden and going up to his room. I couldn't but to smile though.

This night just got a thousand times better already.


The sun was bright in my eyes. I couldn't help but to groan and sit up. Rubbing my eyes, then my head. Realizing I have a pounding headache.

I look around the room and see I'm not at Holden's, but I'm not at mine. Nor anyone of my friends houses either, I'm at Maddie's.

I look down and see I'm in basketball shorts and a hoodie. I get up slowly and walk downstairs, hearing the tv on and Maddie and Jack talking.

I entered the kitchen and just see the two of them. "Where's everyone?" I question, running my head.

"At home, sober," Maddie said angrily.

"You better run," Jack cautioned.

I don't move and just let Maddie drag me over to the island and sit me down. While her and Jack stood at the opposite side of it.

"I can't believe you Mackenzie! What you did was wrong and immature!" Maddie scolded.

"What did I do?"

Jack shook his head and looked at me seriously. "You had way too much to drink last night, not to mention when you got here you were tripping on acid," Jack explained.

"You need to stop this Mackenzie. Life isn't always a constant party, you need to grow up and act mature. What you did was immature and you're so lucky I didn't tell mom and Dad about this. I didn't because we're sisters and I'm not going to let you be yelled at by them and be grounded for life!" Maddie scolds.

I wince in pain as her shouting does nothing to help my headache. Jack hands me a cup of water and some Tylenol. I take it gratefully and look up at Maddie who's trying to calm herself down.

"Look I won't tell Mom and Dad okay? You just need to promise this won't happen again. Okay? And if it does I'm here to save your ass but, I'm still yelling at you," Maddie explained.

I nodded and sighed.

God I wish I could remember what happened last night.

Heyo hope you enjoyed the chapter only a few chapters left before the story is over.

So I need your opinion guys. Before I stop writing I want to try writing one last Christmas story.

So what I wanted to do was take m military story and use that as a Christmas story. What do y'all think? The name I'm not too sure about. I was thinking of; Falling for Sargent Christmas but idk. If all can think of something better lmk.

I'm open for any suggestions. I also am going to try to write the last stories in my drafts. I can't promise anything but maybe I can get one or two done before I say my goodbyes to the wattpad community.

Lmk what y'all think.

Bye loves xoxo

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