Chapter 41 • You're What?!

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Mackenzie's POV

"Mackenzie! Can you help your sister?" Mom shouts from the bottom of the stairs.

I groaned and stood up from my bed. Now Maddie is sort of showing and she's due in a month, but she can't do anything by herself. So guess who's one of her helpers.

I mean I understand and everything but still, like it's just annoying helping her with everything.

I reluctantly go downstairs to the kitchen where Maddie was.

"Hey, what do you need help with?" I ask.

"Nothing, I just wanted to get you out of your room and spend time with you," she smiled.

I let a small laugh escape my mouth while I rolled my eyes. "Well, be prepared for everyone else because they're coming over. We planned to watch movies today," I say.

She smiled at me and laughed, "well come help me. Maybe we can order pizza when they get here," Maddie suggested.

I nodded and stood up, going around the island and helping her bake the cake. We put the mix in, adding in the eggs, the water and everything else needed.

"So, have you heard from any colleges yet?" Maddie asked.

I stop and hesitate. I have heard back from some colleges. Their envelopes are sitting in my room, hiding in my desk. I haven't told anyone, and I don't plan to anytime soon.

"Um, no not yet," I say shrugging.

"Really? That's weird you usually hear back from them by now," Maddie questioned confused.

I shrugged, then heard the doorbell echo through the house. Thank god I thought. I walked to the door and opened it up, revealing my friends.

"Hey Mack," Ashton smiled.

I smiled back and let them in. "Maddie and I were just baking a cake. If you guys want to help," I say.

They nodded and we walked to the kitchen. I see Maddie standing there with a shocked expression on her face. Then below her was water.

"My water broke," she said calmly.

We stop in our tracks. She's not due for another month! She's having the baby now!

"Okay let's get you to the hospital," Johnny said, going over to help her.

"Wait can we stop at my house first? I need to get a few things," Maddie asked.

"Madz you're in labor," I say.

"Ya I know but, I still need to get stuff," Maddie defended.

We sighed and agreed bringing her to the car and driving to her house. While on the way we called Jack, Mom and Dad. Telling them what was going on and that we'd meet them at the hospital.

"Okay what do you need to get?" I ask preparing to run inside and throw stuff in a bag.

"Oh no I got it," Maddie said casually, getting out of the car.

I rolled my eyes and followed behind her into her house.


After finally getting everything Maddie needed, and got to the hospital. Maddie sitting in a room, waiting for two hours already. Her contractions happening every few minutes.

"How long until she's in labor?" Johnny asked.

"It takes time. She has to be at seven centimeters to have labor," Lauren explained.

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