Chapter 18 • Ideas

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Mackenzie's POV

I lay in my bed wearing my sweatpants and John's hoodie. Today was night to myself. It was a Saturday night, nothing was going on. No parties, no get togethers, no dates no nothing.

Just me alone. It's nice, just me watching Netflix, a little homework and eating a bunch of food. It was different than my usual.

"Hey Mack."

I turn and see Maddie standing in the doorway. She smiled at me and sits next to me on my bed. Wrapping her arms around me and pulling me close.

"Hey madz," I greeted, looking down at my English paper.

"What chat working on?" Maddie asked, taking a peep.

I smirked and closed my laptop shut. "Something for English. She wants us to have this creative writing crap done by Monday. I'm almost done but, it's complete crap and I hate it. But, I can't think of anything else to write about."

"Well, let me read it," Maddie said, going to grab my computer.

I shake my head no, and grab it before she can. "It's not good Maddie. Seriously, don't read it," I insisted.

Part of the reason I didn't want her to read it was because it was about me. About how I don't see my future, how I don't see a college graduate, all my problems were spewed out onto this paper. Masked behind a fictional character and a fictional setting and situation.

"How are you going to know if it's good or not if you don't let someone read it. Now hand it over before I tickle you for it," Maddie says.

I sighed and opened it up, passing it over to her.

She smiled gratefully at me and began to read. Her eyes skimmed the pages of complete crap that I had written. In the back of my mind I prayed she wouldn't make the connection to the character to me.

Once the three pages we done and read over multiple times she handed it back over to me. Not saying a word.

"How bad is it?" I questioned.

"It's not, it's actually really good Kenzie," Maddie reassured. "I can't wait to read it when you're done."

With that, she gets up and exits my room. Closing the door behind her I chuckled to myself and shake my head. She's only saying that.

I sit there staring at the screen the blue line flashing at me multiple times per minute. I sighed and minimized the screen.

I search through my computer going into my photos. I have old photos and videos of me and my friends from when we were little.

I scrolled through them, reminiscing the good times. I look through them and smiled at some goofy pictures we had.

There's the ones from our Disney trips, our cruises, our trips abroad in far away countries. Then there's the good old pictures from birthday party's to halloweens or sleepovers.

There's a picture of John and I when we were six. We were at Disney, and he had Mickey Mouse ears and I had Minnie Mouse ears and we made these funny faces.

I chuckled a bit and go through them. Seeing the multiple birthday parties, pool parties, Halloweens and so much more.

Our first days of schools too. They were funny to watch the videos of after our first day of kindergarten. When I arrived at the video I clicked play and watched as five year old squad appears on the screen.

"How was your first day at school kids?" Mom said.

"Weally good!" I smiled.

"Ya? Do you kids have class together?" Meredith asked.

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