Chapter 14 • Homecoming Game

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Mackenzie's POV

Tonight's the homecoming game. Meaning I have to wear a gown, sit on top of a convertible that's going .5 miles an hour around the field and walk down the field.

I mean I'm used to it. I've been nominated for all four years of high school so I know how it goes.

I walked down the halls with Lexi and Ruby. Lauren and Annie are probably with Carson and Ashton.

"So where are our boyfriends?" Ruby asked.

"Right here!" Someone shouts from behind. Wrapping their arms around me.

I jumped and turn around seeing John in his football jersey. Gosh he looked so good. Especially in our school colors, purple, black and white.

"Hey babe," I smiled kissing him.

He smiled in to the kiss then kissed my forehead. "You look beautiful," he compliments.

I look down at my outfit. Black ripped skinny jeans, white Guns N' Roses t-shirt and white vans.

I smiled at him, "you look amazing too," I whisper.

Along with his football jersey he's wearing white skinny jeans and purple vans.

"Thanks babe," he said grabbing my hand.

We walked together down the hallway and to our next class.

"So, you excited for tonight?" Jacob asked.

I nodded, "hopefully we win. But, I'm fine if we don't. Either way I'll be happy."

"You two have to win. You are relationship goals," Ruby stated.

"I thought we were goals babe," Ashton pouts.

"Ya but, John an Kenzie were like meant to be from the moment they were born. They're more goals than us," Ruby explains.

I chuckled as we entered our next class. We take our seats at our table together and stare at the front of class. Ready for the long lecture from our teacher.

We lucky got out of class early because of a pep rally for homecoming. So in about ten minutes we get to leave.

For those ten minutes I sat there and drew. Not paying attention to anything. In a way, I wish I wasn't popular. It has its perks but, I hate having such a high profile.

I wish I could just draw and just keep it on the low. Then again, I always want to draw and I never want to anything else besides that.

"Come on Mack," Annie said.

I look up and see all my friends standing up. The entire class is gone and it's just us.

"Oh..." I muttered.

I pack my stuff and throw my bag over my shoulder. We walk together down to the gym.

"You've been zoning out a lot Kenz. You okay?" Hayden asked.

I turned to him and nodded. "Ya I'm fine."

"Okay well, tonight we'll get you ready. Bring a change of clothes and then you can get changed here," Lexi explained as we entered the gymnasium.

I just nodded as we departed away from the boys. Taking seats at the bottom of the bleachers.


I stand by the black corvette. I fixed the wrinkles on the side of my red gown. My hair is straightened to perfection and so is my makeup.

John is still playing the game so I ride by myself. I sighed and got into the convertible, sitting on the edge of it as it drove around the track.

When I finally reached the opposite side of the field, I got out and walked down the field. Between the row of color guard girls. I smiled for a picture then moved off to the side.

I stood there smiling as John ran up to my side. His helmet was off and he had his sash around him.

"You look absolutely stunning babe," he whispered in my ear.

"Thanks baby. You're doing amazing tonight," I whisper back.

He was though. The score was 56-7, we were winning by a landslide. It was only half time too. So we still had a chance to get more points.

"Thanks babe," John whispered.

I look out at the crowd. Seeing all of our friends in the crowd, the boys on the sidelines and everyone else in the crowd. I held onto John's hand tightly.

"You're homecoming king and queen is... Johnny Orlando and Mackenzie Ziegler!"

John and I smiled and walked forward and received our crowns and sashes. I was given a bouquet of flowers and our pictures were taken.

We walk off the field and we're greeted by our friends. Who hugged us tightly.

"Congrats guys! I knew you'd win!" Lauren squealed.

"Thank you," I say hugging her.

"Dude, now that you won, tomorrow is going to be even better," Jacob said.

I nodded agreeing with him.

"So who's house tomorrow?" Hayden asked.

"Mine, my parents have a business meeting in Florida on Saturday. So after they drop me off and get some pictures they're heading to the airport," Lexi explained.

We nodded all smirking. Know exactly what's going to happen tomorrow after the dance.

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