Chapter 47 • To Our Adventure!

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Mackenzie's POV

"Where the hell were you guys?!" Our parents scolded.

We looked at each other and smiled. Reminiscing on our weekend trip, that we didn't tell our parents about. We just ignored everyone's texts and phone calls and just enjoyed life.

The one thing we needed the most of too. Just to enjoy everything.


We drove up the through the states. When we were greeted by bright lights, car horns honking and terrible traffic we knew we were in New York. Our favorite place in the world.

"Let's stay here," I suggested.

They nodded, agreeing with me. We drove around until we found a hotel. Parking the car in a parking garage, we walked up to the hotel and stood at the front desk.

While we waited we looked around the lobby. It was definitely a five star hotel. There was wood floors, white walls, and amazing artwork everywhere.

"How may I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"Hi, we need five rooms for two nights," Ashton said.

She nodded and typed something up on the computer. She then assigned us our rooms and gave us our keys. We were on the top floor, our rooms all down the same hallway.

John and I walked into our room. It was a large suite, with a living room, kitchen, king sized bed and a giant bathroom.

"This is amazing," I say, walking around the suite. Spinning around and looking at everything.

"Not as amazing as you," John said, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me.

I kissed him back and wrap my arms around his neck. The kiss getting heated by the second. We fall back onto the bed and continue to make out. Stopping to catch our breaths, we throw our shirts to the side.

John began to kiss my neck, biting down at my sweet spot. Causing me to moan softly.

"Hey babe, I think this is going to be the nicest place we've done it in," Johnny points out, breathing heavily.

I laughed and kissed him again. "Well, let's make it our first," I smirked.

He smirked back and things got heated yet again. Our clothes being tossed to the floor. Sparing you the details, it was a great night.


"Guys get up!"

I opened my eyes and see Annie sitting on top of me. I look over and see everybody is in our room.

"Nice, you smashed at a five star hotel," Hayden smirked towards John.

We laughed as they tossed us our clothes. They turned around as we got dressed in yesterday's clothes.

"What do you want to do today?" Johnny asked as we sat on the couch.

"Let's go shopping!" The girls and I suggested.

The boys groaned. "Come on!" Jacob whined.

"We're in New York. There places for all of us to shop at. Please?!" Lexi begged.

Jacob sighed, "you make a good point. Fine let's go, but we get food first."


We laughed and left the room. Making our way down to the lobby and out to the streets. Greeted by the sound of car horns being used multiple times.

We walked down the street and down a couple of blocks to a some restaurant. It was cute outdoors place so we settled for that as our place of food.

"This place is so cute," Ruby squealed as we were being seated.

We laughed and looked at the menu. By the time our waiter came around we knew exactly what we wanted.

"So what are we going to tell our parents when they find out we're not in Pennsylvania?" Carson asked, sipping his drink.

We shrugged, "let's have fun for now. Then we worry about our parents," Hayden laughed.

We nodded agreeing with him. "So what do you want to do today besides shopping?" Jacob questioned.

"Let's just walk around. We can go see the Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, hell we can even go to Staten Island if we want to and take the ferry," I say.

"Well, whatever we do we're going to have fun without a doubt," Lexi said.

"Definitely, you know, even though we've only been here for only a few hours. It's kind of nice and relaxing not having to worry too much about homework and stuff," Lauren admits.

I smiled and grabbed out my sketch pad I had brought with me and started drawing. I drew my friends sitting at the table.

I was so stuck on what to draw for some of my pictures until I realized, I have my friends. And maybe I can even leave them a few drawings before we leave.

"Here's to our life long adventure. It started in out of no where in pre-K, and lasted to our senior year. May it last longer until the last person here dies and in hell, because let's face it that's where we're going," Johnny saluted.

"To our adventure!" We clanked glasses and took a sip.

I couldn't help but to smile though. They were dorks, but they were my dorks. They were the dorks I've been stuck with since I was four years old.


"What you did was irresponsible and you should've known better," Mom scolded.

"What do you kids have to say for yourselves?" Dale questioned, crossing his arms.

We looked at each other and shrugged. "To our adventure?" Jacob smirked.

We smirked at them as well, chanting, "To our adventure!"

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