Chapter 6 • Party

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Mackenzie's POV

I stood and looked at myself in the mirror. Tight black crop top, white ripped skinny jeans, a navy green bomber jacket and black high heels.

My hair is straightened to perfection and makeup done perfectly. I'm ready for this party tonight. I have an extra pair of adidas in John's car if I need it and I have clothes for tonight too.


I turn and see Maddie standing in my doorway, leaning against the frame.

"Ya, and I'm staying at Lexi's after," I respond, turning back to the mirror.

She walks up behind me, giving me a judgmental look. "Mack, what are you wearing?" She questions.

"A crop top and heels sue me," I sass rolling my eyes.

"Go change, you're showing too much cleavage," Maddie instructed.

"No. That's the point of the shirt."

"You already have John. What else do you need? A child?" Maddie asks.

I rolled my eyes and turned to her angrily. "Just because you had your pregnancy scare when you were seventeen doesn't mean I will too. Now just lay off Madz. Seriously, you say how what I decide matters and all this stuff. If you're going to give advice why don't you stand by it," I shout.

I shake my head and grab my things, getting a text from John. Saying he's outside.

"Have a fantastic night," I say.

"Mack, I'm sorry. I just remember how those parties are. It's weird to think you're going to one," Maddie apologizes.

"You say that every time I go to a party. For one minute stop seeing me as a baby and see me as an adult. Now I have to go. Bye," I say.

I leave my house and enter John's car. Everyone was already sitting in the back, ready to go. I don't know how we all fit in here, but, we do.

"You okay Mack?" Carson asked.

"Maddie's annoying me already. And she's going to be here until basically the new year. Maybe longer, so if anyone is open to either shoot me or let me stay at their place till then I'd greatly appreciate it," I rant.

John started driving away and we talked a bit. "What happened?" John asked.

"The same shit, treating me like a baby it's ridiculous. Like she tells me all this stuff about how I make my decisions meanwhile, she's trying to be like my parents and want to control my life," I sighed.

"It's probably the pregnancy Mack. It messes with your hormones and stuff," Lauren says.

"Ya but this early on?"

They shrugged, "everyone's different," Annie states.

I groaned and leaned back. "Someone please kill me."

"Hey you're going to have fun tonight, we know you cannot resist," John said.

I chuckled. He's right though. I'll have fun when I'm at the party. Drinking, blazing and dancing. I'll be happy in no time. I don't have to worry.

We pulled up to Holden's house. It's already packed. John parked his car in front of the house. We got out and walked together inside.

Music blasting throughout the house, lights flashed, smoke from the joints and bongs filled the air and red solo cups everywhere.

"Let's go get some drinks," I say, pulling John with me to the kitchen.

I grabbed a cup and filled it with Coca Cola with a couple shots of rum. John, poured him self some Coca Cola and Bacardi. We clinked cups and take a sip of it.

We laughed and walked around the party. Dancing and drinking.

"Babe, I'm going to go have a smoke," I say.

John nods and follows me. Knowing how I am when I'm both drunk and high.

I walked into the dining room and took the paper, lining the weed up inside it. Licking it shut and lighting it up.

"Here let me have some," John said.

I nodded and handed it to him. He takes a few puffs and give it back to me. After several minutes, I start to feel the high.

"J-John, l-let's go upstairs," I slurred.

I know what I'm doing yes. Probably some of it I won't remember in the morning, but, still at the moment I know mostly what I'm doing.

I grabbed his hand and drag him upstairs to one of the open bedrooms. Locking the door behind us, I turn towards John and smiled. He does too happily. Knowing what's going to happen.

I go up to him and kiss him forcefully. Starting a make out session then slowly getting heated. Taking off our shirts and shoes flying off our feet.

I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck. He places his hands on my hips and walks over to the bed, setting me down gently.

He kisses my neck and trails down to my chest and stomach. Unbuttoning my jeans in the process. Undoing his jeans.

Both of us in our underwear, I take off my bra and toss it to the side. Kissing John some more.

I feel his hand trail down to my underwear and go inside. He began to finger me. Slowly trying to tease me.

"You want to do this," John asks.

I nodded kissing him again. "Do you want me to show you how much I want this?" I teased, taking off his boxers.


"Babe, oh John!" I moaned as I bounced up and down.

"You like that babe?" John asks.

I nodded breathlessly. And moaned, loud.

"Faster... harder."

I see John smirk and did as I wished.

Well, after that you can guess what happened.

So guys here's the new chapter. I'm probably going to delete this story and delete I'm coming Mackenzie and The Aftermath.

They're not my most popular stories and granted I just started this but this one kind of scares the crap out of me because I now realize that I projected my fears of life onto Mackenzie and the stories and it's a little scary.

Anyhow idk I'll figure it out.

Hope you enjoyed it.

Bye loves xoxo

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