Chapter 21 • Planning

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Mackenzie's POV

I ended up not going to school today. I lied to Mom and said I was sick so she let me stay home. Unfortunately Maddie was home too. She had terrible morning sickness so she called out sick.

"I know you're not sick," Maddie said, walking into my room.

I turn to her and shrugged. "I didn't want to go to school," I say.

"Because of your friends?" Maddie asked.

I nodded slightly, "I just wanted a day off."

She nodded and takes a seat next to me. Leaning close to me and grabs my laptop. She start so search something when I take it back from her.

"What are you looking at?" I ask.

"Well, I figured, since we're both here we can plan my gender reveal party. We find out the gender Saturday and we wanted to do this anyways. Want to help me plan?" Maddie asked.

I smiled and nodded. "Why didn't you just say that?" I question.

She laughs and we continue to look up different ideas. We knew that we'd have a bunch of pink and blue balloons and streamers. From there, we decided how we're going to reveal the gender.

"How about we get a box, and put confetti and a balloon in there. Then when you open it pops up," I suggested.

Maddie smiled and nodded. "That's good. I like that," Maddie agreed.

I smiled back and we continued planning. Getting caterers, and picking out invitations.

"So Saturday November eighteenth is when you want this correct?" I ask, as I fill it in.

"Yup," Maddie smiled.

"What time?"

"Three thirty to six," Maddie answered.

I nodded and filled out the invitation as she said and finally printed them out. Making more than plenty.

I get out of bed and hand her the stack of the invitations. She smiled at me and put it down. Wrapping an arm around me.

"Want to go out? We can get some stuff for the party now and then we can go to the mall or whatever you want to do," Maddie suggested.

I nodded. "Why not," I shrugged.

She smiled and we walked downstairs grabbing my car keys and got in the car. Yes I drive, just not that much.

"You want me to drive?" Maddie asked.

I shake my head no, starting the car up. "Your sick, if anything I want you to be able to throw up and not crash the car."

She gives me a look and laughs. "Okay well, thank you for looking out for me," Maddie smiled.

I smiled back and started driving to the Party store. Of course we can't get everything. But, still it's good to get most of it.

"So Kenzie, other than what happened yesterday, how's everyone?" Maddie asked.

"They're good, they have a lot of opportunities after high school. So it's good for them," I say.

She nods and turns to me, "what about you?" She asked.

"What do you mean?"

"How are you doing? I know you don't think you have much opportunities but you do. How are you doing?" She repeats.

I sighed and shrugged. "It is what it is. I don't think I'll have much opportunities as my friends."

"I think you will. I have faith," Maddie smiled.

I smiled back, "thanks for believing in me."


"Thanks, I had fun today," I smiled at Maddie as I brought in the bags of clothes we bought at the mall.

"No problem, go put them in your room. When you come down we can watch a movie," Maddie instructed.

I nodded and run upstairs with the bags and set them down. Deciding to put it away later, I walked downstairs and see my friends at the bottom of the stairs.

I gave them a look and rolled my eyes. "What are you guys doing here?"

They turn around and smiled weakly. "We wanted to give you this," Carson said handing me homework and classwork from school.

"Thanks," I muttered.

"Can we talk?" Annie asked.

"I can't Maddie an-"

"She can, we can watch the movie later," Maddie said, cutting me off.

I sighed and turn to my friends. I gesture them to follow me down to the basement. I take a seat on the couch and they gather around sitting all around.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Well, we wanted to apologize and see if you were okay after yesterday," Jacob said.

"Ya, Kenz we didn't mean to hurt your feelings," Lauren says.

"It's fine. I don't care."

"No it's not fine babe," John countered.

"Ya Mack, we realized that we were jerks and we're really sorry," Lexi said.

I shrugged, "it's fine. It's whatever."

"Well, we're going to tryout with you," Ruby said. "We weren't thinking and we realized that, it's our last year. We made a great team and we can't break that."

I smiled slightly. "Thanks."

I don't bother to ask about the trip. I figured I can bring it up after sometime.

"What'd you do today?" Hayden asked.

"I planned Maddie's gender reveal party and we went shopping," I answer.

"Well, I can't wait for that. We're invited right?" Ashton asked.

I laughed, "of course you are."

They smiled, "good. And again Kenzie, were so sorry," Lexi said.

"Like I said, it's fine."

Deep down though, it wasn't.

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