Chapter 46 • The Truth

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Mackenzie's POV

I walked off into the woods on the side of the highway. I just walk. I don't turn back, I don't do anything besides walk.

It wasn't until I heard footsteps behind me when I turned around. Seeing my friends. They looked concerned.

"What do you want?" I ask bitterly.

"We wanted to talk," Hayden began.

"And apologize for being assholes," Johnny added.

"Kenzie, we're so sorry you felt like you couldn't tell us anything. We're sorry, we shouldn't make you feel so segregated from the group," Annie apologized.

"That's the last thing we want. Is for you to feel that way," Lexi added. "We're here for you. And we're sorry we didn't realize sooner you felt that way."

I shrugged and crossed my arms. Looking down at my feet. The bring me over to them, where then we have a group hug. When we broke apart, we sat down on the ground. Leaning against a tree.

"So, first we wanted to talk about the suicide thing. Why did you try? And how come we're just hearing about this?" Ruby asked.

"Freshmen year was crap for me. And I always knew I was the outcast in our group. I just figured if I killed myself it wouldn't matter," I explain. "And when it happened, your parents told you I had surgery on my appendix. We all decided we didn't want to tell you guys the truth. So we came up with the lye. The only people that know besides my family, is your families and Jack and his family."

They nodded, "Kenzie, you're so important to our group. You're the one that brings the life to it. Think, if you weren't here, we'd just be a bunch of kids who just care about school and sports," Jacob explained.

"If you weren't here, we wouldn't party as much as we do now," Hayden added.

"It seems like the only thing I'm good at is just drinking and smoking pot."

They shake their heads. "No you're good at so many things. You're an amazing artist. We've seen your work. The other day, we looked at your portfolio in art. It's amazing Kenzie," Lauren states.

"The what we're thankful for drawing was amazing. When you put drawings of us there, it was amazing. We're not half the artists as you," Lexi complimented.

"You score points for us in soccer. And even though you couldn't play this year, it wasn't the same. Lexi Drew was nothing compared to you Kenzie," Annie said.

I shrugged, "guys, you're only saying this just-"

"We're saying this because it's true babe," John said, cutting me off. "Mackenzie, you are so important to all of us. I don't know what I'd do without you. I know you don't think much of yourself, it's true though. You mean the world to all of us."

I looked down at my hands, which John and slowly grabbed. "Don't ever think less of yourself Mackenzie," he whispers.

I look up at my friends and smiled weakly. "Well, since you guys said I can talk to you guys about anything, the thing I was working on yesterday was to send into some art colleges. If they really like it, they'll give me a full scholarship."

They smiled wide at me. "That's amazing Kenzie!" Ashton said as they hugged me.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Lauren asked.

"I didn't think it was too important. Compared to you guys too," I admit.

"That's so important. What the hell were you thinking?!" They say.

I laughed and we just started talking. Just real talk, no sugarcoated bullshit. Real life talk. And honestly, I think we all needed this.

We just told each other our worries. What we were scared about in the future. We were just honest with each other. I think that's what we needed the most. Was just telling the truth and having real talk.

"I'm just scared about losing you the most John. I love you so much. I don't want to lose you," I admit.

He nodded and kissed my forehead. "I understand. But, I promise, I'll be okay. I will never leave you," John said.

I nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder. "This summer is our last summer together. What are we going to do?" Hayden asked.

Lexi smiled, "let's take a trip."

We laughed, "let's do it. All for you Kenz. Since you were the sponsor of it too," Jacob said.

I laughed and smiled. "I'm going to miss not having you guys by my side all the time," I say.

"Same," they agreed.

"Hey, we'll always be together. No matter what. We made the promise in pre-K we would. I'm not losing my best friends just because of college," Hayden said. "I love you guys."

"We love you too hay hay," Ashton laughed.

We all laughed along. "Come on let's go. We're burning time," John said.

"Ya, let's get home," I say standing up.

"Oh we're not going home," John said. "We're going on an adventure."

I smiled wide and tackled him in a hug. We walked back to the car and hopped in. John now driving, we make our way back on the highway and drive.

So guys here's the new chapter sorry I don't update frequently, just a lot going on. I'm trying to write new stories too since I will be ending my wattpad career soon.

If I get my shit together soon I can write a Christmas story for this year. So I'll work on that over my thanksgiving break the best I can.

Anyways that's it.

Bye loves xoxo

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