Chapter 15 • Homecoming

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Mackenzie's POV

I'm sat in front of Maddie while she does my makeup. She finished my hair about ten minutes ago and she's almost done with my makeup.

"You look really cute Kenz," Maddie squeaked happily. "You excited for tonight?" She asked.

I nodded happily. It's not even the dance I'm looking forward to, it's the after party at Lexi's house that I'm excited for.

"Ya, I can't wait," I responded.

"So you're sleeping over Lexi's house tonight?" She questioned, doing my eyebrows.

"Ya, were all going to sleepover. And don't worry, I won't get pregnant," I reassured.

She laughs and moves to my other eyebrow, "you better not. I'll kill you," she threatened.

We had music blasting in the background. I pick up my phone that was charging next to me and change the song. Then answering some snapchats.

"What time is it?" Maddie questioned.

"Five forty. Everyone will be here at six," I say.

She nodded and finished up with my makeup. I looked in the mirror and smiled.

"Thank you so much," I say hugging my sister.

"No problem. Now let's get you in the dress," she said.

I nodded and grabbed it out of my closet. Laying it gently on my bed. I take off my clothes and put it on. Maddie helping making sure my hair won't be messed up.

Once it was on, Maddie zipped up the back and I put my shoes on while Maddie got my jewelry. She came back with my favorite diamond necklace John had got me for our one year anniversary. Earrings John got me when we got into a fight. And a bracelet with matching rings.

"Alright let's get this on," Maddie said.

I grabbed some jewelry and put it on while she put my necklace on. Once everything was on, I walk to the mirror and look at myself.

"You look amazing Kenz," Maddie smiled wrapping her arms around me gently.

"Thank you," I mumbled.

I grabbed my phone and took some pictures for Snapchat. Then I heard the doorbell ring. I look at Maddie and smiled, I grabbed my clutch and walked downstairs, seeing my friends and their families in the living room with my parents and Jack.

I smiled weakly and walked into the living room. Saying hi to everyone. I hugged my friends.

"I can't believe they're seniors already," Meredith said, placing her hand on her heart.

"Don't get me start Mer, I want to cry too," my mom agreed.

"Well, let's get some pictures then we can talk about them," dad suggested.


After twenty minutes of taking pictures we were finally able to leave. John and Carson drove us to our school where homecoming was at.

"It's going to be fun guys," John reassured as we waited in line.

I nodded and wrapped my arms around him, "I can't wait for it to be over. You know the after party is going to be fun," I whisper.

He smirked, knowing exactly what I was talking about. "Babe you got me going already," he whispered in my ear.

His voice was so deep and husky it sent a chill down my spine. I smiled up at him, kissing his cheek.

We got into the gymnasium after five minutes and we started dancing. I grinded on John and the girls did the same with their boyfriends.

Because, what's homecoming without grinding. Needless to say, there's a lot of condoms around the gym.

"Babe, let's go," John said, grabbing my hand.

I nodded and we walked to the doors and exited the gymnasium. Walking around the school, knowing well nobody will stop us.

"What's wrong?" I ask, noticing John's upset.

"Nothing I just wanted to stand out here," John replied.

"Sweetie, seriously what's wrong?"

He sighs and looks up at me. Still holding my hands, "I'm thinking about enrolling in the military after high school," John admits. "I wanted to tell you first. Hear what you had to say about it. I know it sounds scary but, I've been thinking about it for awhile and I want to do the army."

I hesitate to answer. He wants to enroll in the military? I don't want to lose him.

"What about college? What about us? And your family an-"

"They'll pay for my college. I'm talking to a recruiter now, they'll pay for me to go to college. And we can work it out. I know we can. We've been together since freshmen year. And my family, they can live with it," John explains. "Please babe, let me try."

I hesitate again. Holding my breath I nodded.

"Thank you thank you thank you," he says picking me up and spinning me around. "Babe, tonight at Lexi's, is going to be the best."

I knew what he meant. Honestly now, I didn't want to do it. But, I won't say anything. I just nodded and took his hand, bringing him back into the gym.

Now another thing on my laundry list of worries.

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