Chapter 12 • Homecoming Proposals & Surprises

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Mackenzie's POV

It's been two weeks since the wedding. Halloween is coming up soon, and Maddie and Jack come back from their honeymoon tomorrow.

I can't really complain though, I've had two weeks to myself. Today after school it's just going to be John and I together. My parents won't be home till Thursday so it can be just me and him today. I can't wait.

"Hey babe," John said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I smiled and turned my head, kissing him. "You excited for tonight?" I ask, closing my locker.

"Very much love. It'll be amazing," John said smiling.

I smirked and held his hand as we walked to class together. Taking our seats next to each other and our friends.

Pre-Calc was so boring. I could barely pay attention on a good day. Today was different though. I was counting down the hours until 1:55. When school let out.

"Babe," John said, tapping my shoulder.


I look up and see my friends, "class let out like two minutes ago," Carson said.

"Oh," I say grabbing my stuff.

We walk together down the hallway to our next class. AP economics, with Mr. Taylor. It's not a bad class, he's a good teacher and he's really funny.

I actually look forward to his class. I take a seat next to Lexi and Annie. I take out my binder and a pencil and sit there waiting for class to start.

"So girls, homecoming is next week. And everyone has been asked except for you Kenz. When is John going to ask you?" Annie asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know, but it better be soon. Or else then only action he's gonna get is his right hand," I say.

The girls laughed, "so since you two are the ones who do it the most. How good is he?" Ruby asked.

I blushed a deep shade of red, "really good."

"Like scale from one to cum buckets-" Lexi begins.

"Stop, I don't want to hear this," Lauren interrupted.

"Thank you because I wasn't about to answer," I laughed.

I turn back to the front of the class, listening to Lexi talk.

"Look all I'm saying is he needs to ask you soon. Or else I'll ask you myself," Lexi stated.

I rolled my eyes and started drawing on my paper. Nothing too special just some little pictures of random cartoons.

The bell rang and I still continued to draw while Mr. Taylor started to talk.

"Ms. Ziegler, are you paying attention?" Mr. Taylor asked.

I look up and see John at the front of the class with a sign. Carson holding a tray of cookies that were in the shape of Mickey Mouses' head.

I look at the sign, it's in Disney font. Reading:

Mickey needs Minnie & Tigger needs Pooh and I need to go to homecoming with you

I smiled and got up hugging him. All the girls phones were out getting videos. I get on my toes and kiss John.

"Is that a yes?" John asked.

I nodded, "yes."

"Let me get a picture!" Lauren exclaims.

I laughed and wrapped my arm around John, holding one end of the sign. John does the same holding the other end.


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