Chapter 7 • The Next Day

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Mackenzie's POV

I wake up with light shining in my eyes. I groaned and rub my eyes, sitting up. Looking around the room, I see everyone scattered across asleep. We're at Lexi's house, I'm attempting to remember the events of last night.

I remember large chunks of it, just not the whole thing. I remember smoking and drinking, I remember having sex with John, I remember lots of dancing. After that it's really just a blur.

I hear someone groaning. I look over and see John and Ruby getting up.

"How long have you been up?" Ruby asks.

"A few minutes," I answer.

She nods and all three of us stand up. Stepping over all the bodies of our friends. I look over at Hayden, seeing he has marker all over his face. Glasses, mustache, and different words written his face.

We all laughed and tried to wake everyone up. Only waking up the girls, Ashton and Carson.

"What should we do about those two?" Lauren asks.

"Let them sleep, they were the worst last night," Ashton says.

"Not as bad as Mackenzie," Annie states.

I rolled my eyes and laughed with everyone else. We quietly made our way out of Lexi's room and down to the kitchen.

"I'm making a sandwich," Carson says.

"It's eight thirty in the morning Carson," Lauren says.

"Ya and?" Carson asked.

"Touché," Lexi laughed.

Carson opened the fridge and got out all the stuff to make his sandwich. John and Ashton join him and make themselves sandwiches.

"How much longer until you think they'll wake up?" Annie questioned.

"I say twenty minutes to an hour," Lexi suggested.

I nodded, sounding right for them to wake up. I walk up to John and pout, "can you make me a sandwich?"

He smiled at me and nods, "because you're cute."

I smiled happily and sat down with the girls at the table and watched some Netflix on the living room tv.


We turn and see Hayden and Jacob. "What happened last night?" Hayden asked rubbing his head.

"You got drunk, and it was a pain in the ass to get you home," Ashton answered.

We laughed and all sat together at the table. "I remember most of last night. Anything interesting happen that I probably wouldn't remember?" I ask.

"There was a fight between Ryan Shirley and Lincoln Bernini. Hayden joined it at some point but then left after five seconds and that's really it," Ashton explains.

We nodded and watched the tv. Talking about the events from last night. Laughing at what happened.


John pulled up outside my house. It's just him and I in the car. We went to the mall with everyone until Maddie texted, she needs help or something i don't know.

"Thanks babe," I say kissing him.

"No problem. Last night was fun," John says.

I nodded smiling, "same. I had a great time. You were amazing too."

"You were too, we haven't done that in awhile,"
John smirked. "You were a bit tight."

"Ya I know, I'm a bit sore," I laughed.

He laughed too and we hugged. Moving apart from each other, we smiled big.

"How about, we have a night when we can go on a date. Just you and me. We can rent a hotel room maybe. Have some fun," John smiled. "More than last night. Even better than last night. What do you say?"

I nod, "let's do it. I'll give you a date soon. But, I have to go, love you."

"Love you too," John says

I get out of the car and walk into the house. I go up to my room and set my stuff down. I spin on my heel and go downstairs. Seeing Maddie sitting on the couch going through her things.

"Hey," I say, taking a seat next to her.

"Hey, sorry about last night," Maddie apologized. "I didn't realize how much I baby you, and your right you should be treated like an adult."

I looked over and hugged her. "Thank you," I say, breaking the hug.

I helped her sort through her things, "so how was the party?" Maddie asked.

"It was fun," I say simply.

I know better than to tell her what I did last night. Any of it. The smoking, the drinking, the sex. Can't tell her. Not possible.

"How's John?" She asked.

"He's good, I think we're going out sometime. I'm excited," I answer smiling.

"That's good you two are cute together," Maddie says.


"Want to have a girls day? I mean, I can't really have a bachelorette party, you can't drink and neither can I so, what do you say, just you and I," Maddie suggested.

"Ya totally," I smiled.

Here's the update guys sorry I've been inconsistent just been busy.

So life update my teacher gave us a test in history and some of the answer choices have me weak af.

The choices were dead ass, "gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang", "I'm just going to take the L on this", and "I'm just going to whine and complain about the test even though I didn't read", as answer choices on the test.

I fucking died. Anyhow that's it. Working on some new stories or story right now. Just really busy.

Anyhow that's it.

Bye loves xoxo

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