Chapter 4 • I Understand

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Mackenzie's POV

"Wait so Maddie's pregnant?!" Lexi asks, shocked.

We're in the middle of third period, I just told my friends Maddie's pregnant. They're pretty happy and surprised. Obviously.

"Yup, two months along," I say.

They smiled happily. "I can't wait for the baby to be here," Lauren smiled.

"Ya same," I agree.

I looked down at my paper and sighed.

"What's wrong babe?" John asked.

I look up at him and give him a weak smile, "nothing."

"Seriously what's wrong?" John repeats.

"Nothing, just thinking about stuff," I say simply. Shrugging it off like it's nothing.

"Okay well, have you guys started your college essays yet?" Ashton asks, changing the topic.

Great another thing I don't want to talk about I think. Internally scoffing.

"I've started a few of them. One for Princeton, another for Dartmouth, one for UCLA," Lauren says.

I listened to them list all the colleges they're sending their essays to. Praying to god that they forget about me. I don't want to tell them I don't know my plan. All the criticism I'd get, it'd be ridiculous.

"Kenz, what about you?" Jacob asked.

I looked up at my friends. Hesitating, trying to think what I'm going to say. I'm pretty sure I probably look like a deer in headlights.

"Um, ya I have a few going," I say.

"To where?" Annie asked.

Crap I thought. "Uh, university of Pittsburgh, UCLA, Ohio State," I answer, lying my ass off.

"Not bad choices," Hayden says nodding.

"Ya thanks," I mumbled.

They talked about college and stuff while I set my head down against the desk and closed my eyes. They had it easy. They knew what they've wanted since ninth grade.

Me, I'm still a blank. I'm a dud.


"Thanks for the ride Lex," I say, grabbing my bag.

"No problem boo," Lexi smiled.

I smiled back and got out of the car. She drives away and I sighed looking at the large house in front of me. I look at the driveway and see Maddie's car parked there.

I shrugged and walked to the front door. Unlocking it with my keys and walking in. As I closed the door behind me I look around to see where everyone is.


"Ya?" I answer walking to the sound.

"I'm in the kitchen," Maddie says.

I sighed and walked over to the kitchen. Seeing my sister, and two of her friends Kendall and Chloe. I smiled and wave slightly.

"How was school?" Maddie asks.

"Good," I shrugged.

"Learn anything?" Chloe asks.

I shake my head. "Nope, first week of school. We do nothing at all."

"True very true," Chloe says.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask, grabbing an apple.

"Some of the wedding stuff is here and plus it's bigger than the apartment," Maddie states.

I nodded and take a bite out of the apple. "Well, have fun. I'm going upstairs."

As I go to walk away, I'm pulled back from my backpack. "No no no, spend time with us," Kendall begged.

I rolled my eyes and toss my bag to the side. Taking a seat next to Maddie, who wrapped her arms around me.

"How come you always do this?" I question.

"Because I like babying you," Maddie smiled.

"Obviously," I scoffed.

Maddie let go of me and gave me a look. "Why are you so sassy lately? You on your period?" Maddie questions.

I shake my head, "no. Just have a lot of things on my mind lately."

I wasn't lying. It's true, I do have a bunch of things on my mind. I mean a lot of things. Just probably none of them she'd think of.

"What're you thinking about? Maybe we can help," Kendall suggests.

I sighed and gave them a look, "you can't help me with this."

"What if we can?" Chloe questions.

"Trust me, you can't," I say.

I sighed and go to leave again. Yet again, I am pulled back by my sister. Who spins me around and sits me down on a stool at the island.

"What are you thinking about? We want to help, we like helping," Maddie insisted.

I rolled my eyes and stood up again. "Madz, I understand you're going to be a mom now and everything. I understand you're my big sister and you've done everything for me but, seriously let me do this myself," I say.

I finally get to leave the room and go to mine. Closing my door and plopping myself on my bed. Letting out the biggest and loudest groan I could muster.

My phone goes off and I check the notifications. A text from the group chat.

iMessage received three minutes ago
Cars🏀🏍: guys party at Holden's house Saturday night anyone in?

iMessage received two minutes ago
Johnny boi💜: ya definitely

iMessage received two minutes ago
Choppy🍜: count me in bæ

iMessage received a minute ago
Annie🐴: meeeeee

iMessage received a minute ago
Ash🥁: count me fam

iMessage received now
Hay hay🤣: me too

iMessage received now
Lex🌹: me carson

iMessage received now
Jacob👌🏼🏀: bro hell yes

I looked at it and contemplated. Holden's parties are amazing. Drinking, weed, dancing. It's lots of fun.

My friends don't really do the weed part. Or much of the drinking. Me on the other hand I'm all for it.

I sighed and texted back.

I'm in bitches. It's bout ta be lit af🔥

Shit it's been awhile since I last updated this.

Anyways, I don't think people like this one so I may just take it down. I'm not sure. Personally I was excited about but, I'm looking back and I think it's kind of crap but idk.

I'll figure it out.

Here's the update hope you like it.

Bye loves xoxo

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