Chapter 37 • Fancy Dinner

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Mackenzie's POV

I wake up and look around. Remembering what happened last night. I look up at John who's still asleep. I smiled and kissed his lips. He slowly wakes up and looks down at me.

Wrapping his arms around me, he kissed my forehead. "Good morning beautiful," he whispers. "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year, bub," I whispered.

His hand runs up and down my arm. Warming me up. "Want to start getting ready?" He asked.

I nodded and he gets up, quickly changing into his clothes he brought with him. Jeans, hockey jersey and mismatched socks.

I smiled weakly, "I love your mismatched socks," I joke.

He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. "I love you and everything about you," he whispered.

I smiled and he helps me get changed. Jeans, a shirt, one of his black sweaters and socks.

"You look gorgeous in my sweater babe," he mumbled.

"Thank you, it smells like you," I say.

"Good, so other guys know that you're my one and only," John said, picking me up.

I giggle and he carries me downstairs. Where everyone was gathered in the kitchen. Looking just as trashed as us.

"Good morning people of the hangovers," Lexi greets, sliding us some water bottles.

We laughed and take a seat. Gratefully drinking the water and taking an Advil. I grabbed some food and put it on my plate and started to eat.

"So our parents called before you came down here. They first said happy new year, then continued on saying how we're all going out and going to a fancy dinner at the country club," Annie explained.

"What time?" I questioned.

"They said around seven," Hayden answered.

I nodded, "sounds good to me."

"Hopefully the hangover will be gone by then," Jacob muttered, rubbing his temples.

We laughed a little bit and turned on the television. Flipping through the channels and settled with a marathon of Friends going on.


"You ready?" John asked, opening the door to Lexi's room.

"Ya I'm ready," I say.

Lexi had just finished helping me get ready. Yet again I was in a tight black dress, and with maroon colored shoes to match my maroon jacket.

I looked over at John and look at his outfit. Black dress pants, black dress shoes, black dress shirt and red tie.

He smiled at me and walks in, hugging me. "You look beautiful," he mutters.


We walked out of the room and head downstairs. I grabbed my coat and put it on. Relying on Johnny to keep my balance.

"You all ready?" Hayden asked.

"Ya let's get going," Ashton said.

We grabbed our things and walked out of the house. John and the boys helped me down the stairs. Making sure I wouldn't slip on the ice.

"Here, ride with me Mack," John offered.

I nod and follow him to his car. Sitting in the passengers seat next to him, with Lauren and Carson in the back seat.

We drove down to the country club where the restaurant was. Blasting music and talking to each other about our New Years resolutions.

"What should we do for a memorable year?" Carson asked.

"I'm telling you guys, let's take a trip, it'll be fun. Come on," I suggested.

"I don't know Mack. We're all busy with our own things. I don't think we should," Lauren stated.

I rolled my eyes and stared out the window. Of course nobody agrees with me. That's how it's always been.


We sat down at the table and got settled. Telling the waiters what we wanted to drink.

"So what did you kids do last night?" Mom asked.

"Oh we just watched the ball drop and set off some fireworks," Jacob responded.

"Well that must've been fun. What about you guys?" Dad questioned, turning to the older siblings.

"Just about the same thing. Except drinking, except for Maddie of course," Jack responded.

"I can't wait for this baby to come," Maddie muttered.

"Same! This baby is going to be so cute and so spoiled," Kendall states.

We laughed a bit and started having our own separate conversations.

"So John, do you know when you're leaving?" Dale asked.

"Mid to late July. Why?" John questioned.

"Well, we're thinking about doing a vacation together. So we wanted to know when you're leaving so we can schedule it," Meredith explained.

We nodded and listened to our parents. "We're thinking about doing a small cruise then taking a trip to Hawaii, and lastly of course going up to New York. You kids loved it when we used to go up," Trisha, Hayden's Mom, explained.

"See Kenzie, we have a trip," Jacob stated.

I rolled my eyes, "ya but not a trip to ourselves," I countered.

All I want is just one trip to ourselves. Just us, and only us. No parents or siblings.

I need to convince them.

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