Chapter 29 • I Can't

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Mackenzie's POV

I sat in my room alone. Maddie's been a complete bitch to me for no reason and I haven't spoken to her since last night.

My friends are supposed to come today, so is their families. We're going to have dinner or whatever with them.

I'm so bored, I want to go downstairs but it's a pain in the ass to get up and down the stairs. After awhile, I finally decided I'd go watch a movie.

I already told my mom I'm not following all the directions the doctor said. I can't go a whole week with out anything. I'd shoot myself. She said it was fine, just wear sunglasses while watching tv.

I agreed to it only for the fact that, this isn't my first concussion and it hurts like a bitch when I watch a movie without glasses.

"You need help?"

I turn around and see Jack standing behind me in the hallway.

"Actually ya kind of," I say embarrassed.

He nodded and picked me up like I weighed nothing and brought me downstairs.

"I'm sorry about last night," Jack said. "I don't know what got into Maddie but, I'll figure it out."

I shrugged. "It's okay, it's probably just some anger about losing the baby."

"Whatever it is, it was wrong of her to do and say all of that," Jack stated.

I nodded and shrugged. "It's whatever, I'll wait to see what happens. Thank you anyways," I say.

He nods and hugs me, going into the kitchen. I make my way over to the living room. Putting on my sunglasses sitting on the counter. I take a seat and put on a Christmas movie since that's all that's playing now.

"How're you feeling?" Mom asked sitting next to me.

I shrugged, "alright. Just in pain a bit."

She nodded and gets up. Going to get my medication the doctor had given me last night.

"Here sweetie. These will help," mom said handing me two pills and a cup of water.

I take them gratefully and swallow them.

"Everyone will be here-"

The doorbell rang and we looked at each other. We laugh a little and mom got up, opening the door I hear lots of voices.

"She's sitting inside, maybe you can sit in the basement. It'll be quieter down there," I hear mom say.

I look up and see my friends walk in. They have Walgreens bags in their hands, giving me a weak smile.

"Hey Kenzie, how're you feeling?" Johnny asked.

"Alright," I shrugged.

"Here let's take you downstairs, we heard you got a concussion again," Lexi said.

I nodded and John and Carson helped me up. Johnny carried me downstairs to the basement. Setting me down on the couch, everyone sat next to me. Hayden and Annie let me rest my foot on their laps.

"So how bad is it?" Annie asked.

"My leg is broken and my ankle in two places," I respond. "Best of all, I can't play the rest of the season."

"What?!" They ask.

"I'm in this stupid cast for two to three months. It fucking sucks."

"Mackenzie, we're so sorry," Lauren said.

"I'm sorry too. I'm sorry for freaking out last night, and I'm sorry about the stupid game," I mutter.

"Don't worry about flipping out. You were hurt. I understand," Lauren said.

I just look down at my hands. Everything sucks, it just came crashing down so fast. My sister hates me, I'm out the whole season, what else can go wrong?

"If you want, we'll quit the team," Ruby spoke up.

I look at her shocked. "No don't. You guys play, it's fine."

"No it's not Mackenzie," Jacob says.

"We're a team. We're not letting our team break up, so if you're out, we are too," Lexi explains.

I smiled weakly. It was nice, don't get me wrong. But, it was certainly the last thing I wanted them to do.

"No, just play, forget about me okay? Our team would probably be better without me anyways," I stated.

"That's where you're wrong," Ashton said.

The girls nodded, getting closer to where I was sitting.

"Mack, you score the points for us, you're important to us," Annie said.

"You can find someone else. I'm replaceable," I shrugged.

They shake their head, "not to us you're not," Lauren said.

"Ya Mack, we can't replace our sister," Annie stated.

I shrugged, "I don't want you guys to stop soccer because of me."

"How about, they try one week. One week without you, and then they decide. Fair enough?" Carson suggested.

We look at each other and nodded. "Good, Mack we'll come by to visit everyday if you want," Johnny said.

"Don't worry about it. You guys have your own things," I muttered.

"Why are you being like this?" Hayden asked.

"Like what?"

"Depressed, like you don't matter to us," Lexi stated.

"Because it's true. Plus, it's not like I can do anything. I'm out the whole season, Maddie is mad at me, I'm basically a crip for three months, it's no point for you guys to stop something because of me," I explain.

John wrapped his arms around me. Holding me tightly.

"You're more important than you think babe, and we're here for you. Don't let this get you down okay?" He whispered in my ear.

I just nodded sadly.

"I've never seen you like this kenz," Ashton stated.

I shrugged, "I don't want to slow you guys down. I mean, I want you to stay on the team, don't quit because of me."

"You're important to us, we hate seeing you upset," Ruby stated.

I nodded, "thanks. So what's in the bags?"

They smiled and gave it to me. "Just a bunch of your favorite candy and snacks to last you like a week," Lauren smirked.

I smiled, "thanks guys."

We grouped hugged and I leaned back on John.

"So can we sign your cast?" Jacob asked.

I nodded and handed them the marker that was sat on the table. Each of them signed it and put on a movie.

Even though I'm upset about the cast and everything, I will say this. My friends are the best.

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