Chapter 3 • Guess What

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Mackenzie's POV

I got home around three. Mom was already making dinner, so I just left her to that. I was surprised she was home though, she usually is in the office most of the time. Other times she's in her home office. Same thing with dad though.

I don't mind, my parents have good jobs that make good money, so I don't mind. I get spoiled a lot so it's pretty good on my part.

"Maddie and Jack are coming at six, so be ready by then," mom says.

"Okay," I reply, making my way to my room and close the door.

I throw my bag in to my bed and walk over to my desk. There's my whole set up. My laptop, my other computer, a stereo, all my art stuff and speakers.

I grabbed my headphones and plug them in. Blasting my music while I started to draw. It didn't matter what I was drawing. I just drew.

This is the one thing I'm actually good at. People will say differently but, it's true. I'm only good at this. This and well music. Making music and singing.

It's whatever though, my friends know I like art. They know I'm good at the creative parts. Just nobody really knows about me and not sure about college.

I stopped drawing for a minute and opened up my drawer. I pull out several college brochures. All colleges across the country, some in Florida, some here in Pittsburgh, a few in New York and California and two in Georgia.

I flip through each one, looking them over. Like I did last year, and the year before that. I don't know which I want to go to and I certainly don't know what I want to go for.


I jumped as someone grabbed my shoulders and shouted in my ear. I yank off my headphones and spin around to find my older sister. Standing in my room laughing at me.

"Hi madz," I groaned.

"Hey kenz," she smiled, hugging me.

I hugged her back then walked over and sat on my bed. She takes a seat next to me and grabs my hand.

"I thought you weren't coming till six," I mumbled.

"I was, but, Jack and I got off work early. Plus I wanted to see my baby sister," she smiled.

I smiled back weakly. "I'm seventeen Maddie. I'm not a baby."

"You are to me so, oh well," she says, kissing my forehead.

I smiled back and look down at my hands.

"So how was your first day as a senior?" Maddie asks, trying to start a conversation.

"It was good. I got some of your old teachers," I respond.

"That's awesome. So, I saw you were looking at colleges before, any of them you're interested in?" Maddie asks.

I shrugged, "just looking."

She nodded and smiled weakly. "Whatever you choose, it'll be good for you. Do what's good for you Mack, not what's good for someone else," Maddie says. "How're your friends?"

"They're good, everyone's just good."

"What's wrong?" Maddie said concerned. "Did something happen with your friends? Did you and John get into a fight or something?"

I shake my head, "no, no fights. Nothing happened."

"Then what's wrong?" Maddie repeats.

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