Chapter 24 • Thanksgiving

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Mackenzie's POV

I looked in the mirror at my outfit. Skinny jeans, a white sweater and my black socks. Being that I don't want to wear boots inside.

My hair was straightened because I didn't have time to curl it and my makeup was done naturally. I have my jewelry on too. Most of them were given to me from Johnny.

"Hey Kenzie."

I look over and see my dad in the doorway. I smiled weakly and watched him as he entered my room. Approaching me he gives me a small smile.

"You look beautiful sweetie," he said.

"Thanks dad," I smiled.

"I can't believe how big you've gotten. It feels like just yesterday you were four years old, drawing on the walls and me reading you bedtime stories and we both fell asleep every time," dad said, trying not to get emotional.

Dad rarely cries or gets emotional. Sometimes he does, like at Maddie's wedding, or when I graduated eighth grade. Only for special events he really gets like this.

"Dad, it's okay," I comfort, hugging him.

He looks down at me and smiled. "I know it is but, I wish you could stay little forever," dad said. "Between us, you're my favorite."

I smiled and laughed. "Thank you."

"So, Kenzie I wanted to talk to you for a few minutes if that's alright," dad said.

I nodded and we both take a seat on my bed. "What's wrong dad?"

"Well, I was talking to your sister and she told me she's worried about you. For many reasons of course but, she said you told her you were scared about John leaving. Correct?" Dad asked.

I nodded and looked up at him.

"I just wanted to reassure you that he'll be fine. I did the same thing when I was his age. I enrolled, I fought then I hurt my knee, so I left. But, I got my degree and I fought for my country while doing it. Johnny will be okay, I promise you," dad explained.

"Thanks dad," I muttered.

He wraps his arm around me. "I like Johnny. He's a good kid. He won't do anything to hurt you, and you're a good girlfriend for letting him do this," dad explained.

I smiled and hugged dad. "I'm thankful that your my dad. You're pretty awesome," I smiled.

"You're a pretty awesome daughter too," he laughed.

"So football later?" I ask.

He nodded, "of course that's a given."


We sat down at the table together. I was next to mom and Maddie sat across from me. Maddie looked up at me during thanks and smiled. I returned the smile. Then we were able to start eating.

"I can't believe how fast this year has been going," mom said. "Before we know it, it'll be Christmas, then the babies are born and Mackenzie will graduate."

"I can't wait for the twins to come," Maddie smiled. "Hopefully we'll have our own home by then."

"You know you can stay here as long as you want. There's no rush, we won't kick you out," mom insists.

"We know but, we feel bad. You've done so much for us," Jack said. "We can't thank you enough though."

"Don't feel bad, we rather you stay here then in that apartment you two had," dad said.

They talked for awhile while I sat there quietly. Eating my food without disturbing their conversation. If I'm being honest, I have absolutely no idea what they were talking about. I was to stuck in my headspace to pay attention like most days.

I probably should get help. I do this way too much.


I look up and see my mom waving her hand in front of my face.

"Ya sorry, what's up?" I ask.

"Well we were talking to you and you didn't respond for ten minutes. Are you having seizures or something?" Mom asked.

I shake my head, "no mom. I'm not having seizures, just have a lot on my mind."

"Well, okay. Anyways we were asking when your first game is," mom said.

"Next Friday. We're playing two games on the field, then after that we're doing it in the stadium," I explain.

Every school here has stadiums for their soccer fields. Since they start it in November and it goes till February, we can't use the field a good amount of the time. This was their solution.

"We can't wait to see you play," dad said.

"Ya you're going to be awesome," Maddie added.

I smiled weakly and pushed my food around the plate with my fork.

"What time is the game?" Jack questioned.

I looked up shocked, did he really want to see my game? I mean, he did it when I was younger. I figured that was just to get me to like him.

"You guys don't have to go. It's not a big deal," I shrugged.

"We want to though we'd like to see you play," Jack said.

"Oh well, it starts at seven."

I have a lot to be thankful for. Great friends, great family, amazing boyfriend, an awesome brother in law. I had a lot of reasons to be thankful.

I thought about all the materialistic things I owned. Sure I was thankful to have that, but it's not important. It's not as important as an awesome sister, and soon to be niece and nephew.

Out of all the times I've been stuck in my thoughts this time, I enjoyed it.

"Happy thanksgiving."

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