Chapter 31 • Left Out & Parties

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Mackenzie's POV

I sat in my room alone in the dark. It's Friday night, all my friends are at the game. Well, I think John might be coming over. I don't know for sure because I know he wanted to come, and his family told him he could, he just felt bad for missing Lauren's game.

"Hey, you okay?"

I look up and see Maddie standing in the doorway.

"Could be better. How about you?" I respond.

"I'm good, I figured you might be lonely so, I'll keep you company," Maddie said, laying next to me on my bed.

"What about Jack?"

"He can come if he wants but, you're important to me now. Jack has me for the rest of time, when I move out and become a mom we won't see each other that much," Maddie explains.

I nodded and leaned my head on her shoulder. Turning the television on, putting on yet another Christmas movie since obviously that's all anyone watches this time.

"So, how's your leg feeling?" Maddie asked.

"Alright, it hurts every now and then, but so much better than last Friday," I answer.

"I bet, I can't believe how hard that chick kicked you," Maddie said in disbelief.

I nodded agreeing with her. "I know right?! But, she was a biggin' you know?"

We both share a laugh. We weren't even joking this girl could probably be mistaken for a man. That's how big she was, of course I'm the one who gets the short end of the stick and has this shit happen.

"Do you think your friends are coming over later?" Maddie asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know. Either way, I'll see them tomorrow. It's Annie's birthday party since her birthday is on Monday."

"You're going to need help getting ready," Maddie states.

I nodded, "would you mind? It's better than having mom help me," I cringed.

She laughed and nodded, "I'll help as much as I can. I can't guarantee that I won't need help myself," Maddie stated.

I nodded sadly. Thinking in the back of my head, I wish I didn't feel so useless.


I sat in Lexi's car with the girls in the back seat. The boys following behind us. I know our families are going to come, probably later though so it's just going to us for awhile.

When we pulled up to Annie's house, I just stare at it. Looking at all the steps I need to get up. It wasn't too bad, only like six steps, but just doing two in general made me tired.

I got out of the car, my toes felt cold even though I put a thick sock on. I made my way over to the steps and just stare at them for a minute.

"You need help Mack?" Carson asked.

I turned and shook my head. "No, I got it," I say.

I'm not useless. I need to prove I'm not.

I took a deep breath and started to climb the steps slowly. The guys stood behind me. Ready to catch me if I fell.

I go up the second step, no problem. Third step, problem. Since winter started early this year, there was snow and ice almost everywhere. My crutch was on a piece of ice, as I brought myself up I lost my balance and fell back.

Smacking my foot against the stair I scream out in pain. Then being caught by the boys. Luckily the were there to get me.

"Here, Ash, take her crutches," Johnny said.

Ashton nodded and grabbed them. Johnny had my bridal style in his arms and carried me up the stairs.

"I could've done it," I muttered bitterly.

"We're not letting you kill yourselves getting up stairs," Jacob said.

I rolled my eyes just as Annie opened the door. She smiled at us and let us in, we gathered in the living room and gave her the presents we had today. More to come on Monday, her actual birthday.

"Thanks guys, just set them on the table," Annie said.

Everyone did so then followed her into the kitchen. I did the same, even though everyone was standing. I didn't want special treatment because I'm hurt.

Unfortunately as I walked in, my crutch got caught on something, causing it to fall from under me. Making me fall to the floor.

"Motherfucker," I mumbled.

"You okay Kenzie?" Annie asked.

Lauren and Lexi helped me up while Ruby passed me my crutches.

"I'm peachy," I answered.

"Sit down Kenz," Annie insisted.

I shake my head, "I'm fine."

"Mackenzie, you almost died twice and you haven't been here ten minutes. Sit," Hayden insisted.

I rolled my eyes and sat down. "Happy?"

They nodded, "very."

I sighed and listened to them talk about the game last night. Our school had won, 5-2.

"That girl Lexi Drew, she's really good," Lauren said.

"Ya Mack, you had to be there to see her play. It was insane," Hayden said.

"Ya Kenzie, she was amazing. It was like you didn't even leave," Jacob said. "She really could work with you guys."

Everyone noticed my facial expression fall. John smack Jacob in the back of the head.

"Of course, nobody can replace you," Jacob said.

I shake my head, "it's fine. I told you guys to stay. I figured you'd fine someone else. There's always someone better."

It was silent. Dead silent. You could hear a pin drop.

"That's not true Mack," Ruby reassured.

"But it is," I countered.

It seems like my nightmare is coming true. But even worse than before.

What's up guys here is the new chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.

So tomorrow for me is the Fourth of July and I'm excited. I love the Fourth of July it is so much fun.

We are having a barbecue and I'm hoping I can try and slip some alcohol in my drinks without anyone noticing.

Also I'm pissed bc one of my friends is coming over and I really don't want her to come. She's starting to irritate me sm and I deadass just can't deal with it.

But anyways that's me.

Bye loves xoxo

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