Chapter 10 • Wedding

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Mackenzie's POV

I finished writing my speech at around midnight. Only to wake up at seven o'clock to get ready for the wedding.

I'm currently sat in Maddie's hotel room, getting my hair and makeup done. In the room is the rest of the bridesmaids. Brooke Hyland, Paige Hyland, Nia Sioux, Kendall Vertes, Chloe Lukasiak, and Nadia Turner.

Yes Ruby's older sister is here. Nadia and Maddie were best friends when they were in like kindergarten.

"Kenzie you look really pretty," Paige squealed.

I weakly smiled, "thanks you too."

I really wish that the girls were here. But, no, they get to sleep in late. They don't have to take a shit ton of pictures, and drive around the damn town taking picture.

Mom has been running in and out of the room. Taking care of a bunch of things. Luckily she's not here now. Cause, it'd just be ten times more crazy. I will say this, we're playing some amazing music.

"So, when you're with Jack tonight, make sure you keep your legs open," Brooke joked.

Maddie looked at her and we laughed. "I mean obviously he has to be gentle. Plus I mean we've done it before," Maddie shrugged.

"So is he good?" Kendall asked.

"If he wasn't then why'd they have a baby together?" Nadia questioned.

"She could just really love him," Nia stated.

"Ya but still," Kendall says.

We laughed at her. "So Kenz, you're still a virgin right?" Chloe asked.

"She better be," Maddie said coming up behind me.

"Maddie, how many seventeen year olds are still virgin?" Nadia questioned. "I mean we weren't."

"Are you?" Maddie asked.

"Not answering," I say looking off to the side.

"She has to be because she knows I'll kill her if she isn't," Maddie said hugging me from behind.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. Today is going to be a long day.


"Okay, are you ready?" The wedding planner asked, entering the room.

We just finished taking pictures, now it's time for the wedding.

The girls nodded and grabbed their bouquets. Walking out of the room, I turn back and don't see Maddie behind me.

"Hey, can you give us a few minutes," I say.

The wedding planner nods, "I'll be back in five. Then we really have to go," she says.

I nod and turn back to the room. Maddie sat on the couch tapping her finger against the arm of the couch.

"Are you okay Maddie?" I ask, taking a seat next to her.

She looks at me nervously. "Kenz, I'm fine just, cold feet," Maddie says.

"Seriously Maddie, there's nothing to be worried about. You and Jack are meant to be together. I mean, you already have a baby in you. It's meant to be," I explain softly.

"What if we get divorced?" Maddie asked.

"Don't think about the if's. Think about the now. Now, you have the greatest guy ever as your groom he will be perfect for you. If you get divorced then so what. Just don't think about that, because now, now you're about to marry him."

She looks at me and smiled, hugging me tightly. "This is why you're my maid of honor. I knew you could do this," Maddie mumbled.

I smiled at her and stand up. Sticking my hand out. She grabs it and stands up.

"It's time for you to get married," I say.

We smile again and exit the room. Making our way down to the reception. Outside the doors, all the grooms men and bridesmaids are lined up waiting. As well as mom and Dad.

I stand next to the best man, Jack's friend Cameron and link arms with him. Once the doors open, we walk down pair by pair down the aisle.

When it comes down to Maddie, everyone stands and watches her as she walked down. She looks beautiful. I'm proud of my sister.

I look over and see Jack smiling wide. Tearing up a bit. I smiled slightly. He's definitely perfect for Maddie.

I start to zone out until the vows start. Listening to what each of them have to say.

"Maddie, when I first met you in high school, I was new to the country. I knew nobody, but, you were my first friend. And I'm glad you were, you mean the world to me. I love you and your family. I'd do anything for you or your sister or your parents. I see how great of a sister you are and it makes me happy. Knowing that I'm marrying a girl with the biggest heart ever. So, I promise, I'll never forget a birthday or anniversary. I promise to love you with all my heart. And I promise I'll treat you like a queen. Exactly how you should be treated," Jack reads.

I grinned slightly. Looking over at John, who's giving me the same look.

Now Maddie's turn. I pass her the paper, hidden in my bra strap. She unfolds and begins to read.

"Jack, from the day I met you, I knew you were the sweetest person I've ever met. You were so funny and your accent is perfect. I remember coming home and telling Mackenzie all about you. You were so sweet and you made laugh when I was upset, you made my day a thousand times better by just being there. I remember the night you came over my house the very first time, and we just started dating and didn't tell anyone. After you left, I went to Mackenzie's room, seeing if you were approved by my at the time, nine year old sister. You were then, now eight years later, I asked her again, and I couldn't have asked for a better response," Maddie smiled. "So, Jack I promise to be your partner in crime. I promise to never leave your side and I promise I'll be the best mom to your children. To our children, and I can't wait for the little one to come," Maddie says, smiling down at her belly.

"By the power invested in me, by the state of Pennsylvania, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride," the pastor announced.

They both kissed and everyone cheered.

Now time for the dinner.

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