Chapter 32 • Where Were You?

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Mackenzie's POV

I stared at the large brick building, all the inhabitants hid inside from the freezing temperature outside.

I sighed, I don't want to go. I really don't, there's so much dread today it's not even funny.

"Hey, you need help getting in?" John asked.

I looked up at him and nodded. He smiled weakly and we walked together as a group to the stairs. There Johnny helped me to the stairs and to the entrance of the school.

"At least you have us to help you every class period," Lauren stated, looking on the bright side.

"Ya, true," I mumbled.

I can't help but to think about the events of Saturday. I knew I was replaceable. I told them I was, they just proved it.

"Mack, what I said Saturday, I didn't mean it in a bad way," Jacob said.

I look at him and nod. "I know."

I make my way to first period and set my crutches down on the side. Staring at the front of the class, ignoring everyone else.

"Kenzie, please can you say more than two words to us," Lexi begged. "We feel bad enough about everything Kenzie. Please, Mackenzie we feel terrible. What can we do to make it up to you?"

I turned to them shaking my head. "Nothing, just don't worry about it."

"Well we got the more than two words down," Ashton muttered.

"We're being serious. What can we do to make it up to you?" Johnny asked. "If you want, I know how I can make it up to you."

"No just no. I am fine, okay? Just leave it," I say getting annoyed.

They go to protest but can't. Our teacher had just started class and they couldn't say anything.

The whole period they kept staring at me. I felt so uncomfortable with them staring. Luckily my teacher let me out five minutes early to get to my next class.

It was nice to be alone for a few minutes. Or at least so I thought.

"Kenzie wait up!"

I sighed and turn my head seeing Johnny running after me. I stand there and wait for him to catch up. When he does, he takes my bag from me and we started walking again.

"Babe, what's wrong? We're really worried about you," he asked.

"Nothing's wrong," I say simply.

He gave me a look. "Babe, most of the time whenever you're upset or mad you only reply with two words. So you and I both know that's horse crap that nothing's wrong. Seriously Mack, do you really think that the girls could replace you? That we could replace you?" Johnny asked.

When I don't answer, that's when he pulls me off to the side. "Mackenzie, we can't replace you. You're not replaceable. You're our best friend, we could never do that," John explained.

I shrugged. "John, you and I both know that I'm not actually apart of our group. So why even bother acting like I am?"

He puts his arm above my head, pressing it against the wall. Lifting my chin up with his other hand.

"Because you are. You are apart of our group. You always were and you always will be baby girl," he whispered.

He leans in and kisses me. I kissed him back, until I heard the bell ring.

"Seriously babe, me and you, Friday night? Make it memorable, I can cheer you up," John smirked.

"I'll think about it. Okay?"

He smiled and nodded, "okay. So, do you think you can come to our hockey game? It's on Thursday, it's just one game at the rec center. We didn't join the team this year, apparently there's no hockey teams to go up against this year. But, luckily there's still basketball. Games are Wednesday," John explained.

I nodded, "I'll see what I can do," I say.


I walk into lunch late. I had to make up a math test so it took me a little bit to get done.

When I walked in I scanned the cafeteria for my lunch table. Finding it, I start to make my way over. When I notice it's full.

I get a little closer and see Lexi Drew sitting at our table. Where I usually sit. My heart dropped. I stood there for a good minute contemplating.

I turn around and walk out of the cafeteria. Walking down to the nurses office.

"Hello sweetie, what's wrong?"

"I hit my foot and it really hurts. Could you call my sister to pick me up," I lied.


I sit in my room alone. I can't believe them, maybe this year is memorable for a reason. Because I know my friends are assholes.

My phone is being blown up from their texts. Asking where I am, why I'm not texting back etc. of course I don't answer.

After awhile it stops. I couldn't be happier about it too. I just sit and watch Netflix by myself while Maddie works in her room.

Soon there's a knock at my door. Figuring it's Maddie I yell, "it's open!"

I was disappointed to see it was my friends. I'd rather have Maddie over them.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Where were you? You didn't come to lunch or to seventh," Hayden asked.

"Wow, suddenly you care," I muttered.

"What are you talking about? We've always cared," Lauren said, all of them sitting down on my bed.

"What's going on Mackenzie?" Ashton asked.

"I know I told you to stay in soccer. I know I told you I'd be fine. I am fine with that. I'm not fine with the fact I was gone for a week and you've already replaced me," I rant.

They turn and look at each other then back at me. "We didn't replace you, where would you get that from?" Johnny asked.

"I was in the cafeteria today at lunch. I saw Lexi Drew sitting at the table, you guys seemed like you were having a great time. A better time than if I was there. So I left."

They finally understood what I was talking about.

"She sat down for ten minutes Kenzie. She was talking about the game, then asked where you were and how you were doing. After that we talked for a bit then she left. We waited for you a little while longer then you never showed, that's why we started texting," Annie explained.

"Please Kenzie, we'd never do anything to hurt you. We're sorry," Johnny whispered holding my hand.

I turn to him and look him in his eyes. He just shakes his head. "Never," he whispered.

I just closed my eyes. I wish I never broke my leg.

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