Chapter 34 • Christmas Eve

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Mackenzie's POV

The smell of the seafood filled the house. In a good way though. Mom and dad were cooking dinner, Maddie and Jack went out to Jack's family's house for a few hours.

I just sat in my room. So happy that the best time of year is finally here. Although I dreaded family coming over, it was going to be better tomorrow.

All of our friends and their families come over for Christmas Day. We have dinner and hang out. It's really nice.

I started to get ready for dinner. Putting on jeans, some festive socks, and a red sweater. I put some jewelry on and do my hair and makeup.

"Hey Kenzie."

I turn around and see Maddie smiling at me. Holding onto her belly. She walked over to me and wrapped one arm around me.

"How was Jack's?" I ask.

"It was good. How's your foot?" Maddie questioned.

I shrugged, "it's alright. Could be better," I say limping over to my bed.

Maddie helped me out a bit and sits next to me. "So, I was wondering, would you like to talk to the baby?" Maddie asked.

I turned to her and smiled. "Can I?"

She nodded happily and grabbed my hand. Pulling me closer to her. I bring my head down to her belly and look up at her.

"Say whatever you want," Maddie smiled.

I nodded and looked down. Thinking of anything to say. This is my niece or nephew in here.

"Hey, it's your aunt Kenzie. I'm so excited to meet you. You're going to be so spoiled, but you're going to love your uncle Johnny. He's really funny... looking," I joked.

Both Maddie and I laughed, Maddie hitting the back of my head playfully.

"You're going to love all your aunties and uncles. We're all really excited to meet you. So stay healthy and I can't wait to meet you in a few months," I say, kissing Maddie's belly.

She looks at me and smiled weakly. "This baby is going to love you Mack, for sure."

"Hey girls, family is here," dad said, opening the door.

We nodded and I got up, grabbing my crutches. When we got to the steps, Maddie went first. Since she can still get down faster than I can. Then dad carried my crutches as I slid down.

I look over into the kitchen, I see our brothers, Tyler and Ryan, with their girlfriend and wife. Last time I saw them was Maddie's wedding so it's nice to see them again. Then our aunts, uncles and cousins were their too.

"Hey Kenzie, how's your foot?" Tyler asked.

I shrugged, "could be better."

He smiled and hugged me, then pulled out a chair for me to sit down.

Everyone started talking. Getting louder in the house. I just think in the back of my head, my friends were coming over tomorrow and it's going to be great.


I laid in bed and watched whatever on hallmark channel. I'm waiting for John to come over. It's only eleven o'clock and everyone has mostly left.

Our brothers stayed with their girlfriends in their old rooms. Maddie and Jack are in their room and mom and dad are probably downstairs.

Suddenly my window opens up. I look over and see Johnny.

"That wasn't to bad this time," he laughed.

I giggled and hugged him as he leaned over me. He locks the door, taking his shirt off and then he jumps next to me.

"So, are we going to do this?" John asked, making his pecks pop.

I chuckled and kissed his chest. He know too well that I love that. "Don't you think we have sex too much?" I question.

He shrugged, "maybe just a bit. But, I love your lips," he said kissing me.

"I love your voice, when you moan, shout my name," kissing my jaw.

"I love your hair," kissing right below my earlobe.

"I love your body," he mutters kissing my chest. "I love you," he said kissing my neck.

I bit my lip and play with his hair. "I love you too babe, but seriously don't you think we do it too much?"

He sighed, "maybe a bit. I'm sorry, I'm just thinking when I leave. We won't see each other for awhile. I just don't want to think that we didn't do anything before I left."

I closed my eyes and kissed his nose. "I love you. And how you make me feel," I mumbled. "I love how good you are at everything. How amazing you are in bed in so many ways. I love how I'm your only girl and you me feel special."

He smiled up at me. "Right back at you. Between us two, you're a thousand times better than my right hand," he whispered.

I laugh, "I know you love my bj's."

He laughed and kissed me again, "can we babe? Please?"

I look at him and nodded. "We have to be quiet though. And when we're done you have to leave."

He nodded again and hover on top of me. Kissing my neck and taking my clothes off.


"Wow," I say breathlessly.

"Really, wow," John agreed.

We did things that we haven't done in awhile. It felt amazing. He was amazing, we were amazing.

"Merry Christmas babe."

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