Chapter 26 • Modeling

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Mackenzie's POV

"Love you Maddie," I say, holding my sisters hand.

She can't leave the hospital until later tonight. They had to run some tests and make sure the other baby was okay. I feel so bad, and there's absolutely nothing I can do.

"I love you too Kenzie," she said sadly.

She's been depressed ever since. It's understandable though, I mean she lost one of her babies. I'd be upset too.

"Are you sure you have to go?" Maddie asked, pouting.

I nodded, "if I don't do this for Lexi I'll lose my head," I responded, knowing Lexi will be beyond pissed if I skipped me modeling for her. However, with these circumstances she may understand.

Maddie nods and pulls me into another hug. "I promise I'll be at your game Friday, I'm not going to miss it," Maddie said.

I pulled away and look her straight in the face. "Maddie, you can miss it. You've seen plenty of my games in your life. You can miss this one. I won't be mad at you."

"I know you won't. But, you've sat through all my stuff, I need to see you play so I am going!" Maddie countered.

I sighed and nodded. There's no way to get her to change her mind. Once it's set it is set.

I waved goodbye to my sister and exit the room. Making my way down to my car, I make my way over to Lexi's house. When I pulled up everyone was there already. I parked the car and walked inside.

"Lex! I'm here!" I shout.

"In the basement!" I hear her shout back.

I nod even though nobody is around. I walk down to the basement and see everyone. They're all in their outfits and getting their makeup done.

"Kenz, where were you?! I was afraid you'd bail on me," Lexi asked.

"I was visiting Maddie in the hospital," I answer.

I grabbed the clothes I was supposed to wear and walk behind the curtain, even though they've all seen me get changed before. Even all the boys.

"How's Maddie doing?" Lauren asked.

"She's alright, I mean, she's still really depressed about losing the baby but, I'd be too so I don't blame her," I answer.

"We felt so bad when we heard the news. That was terrible," Ashton says.

"How do you think we felt? It's even worse too, apparently she still had to give birth to it, so they let them hold the baby before they did what they had to do," I explained walking out from behind the curtain.

"Was there even anything to hold?" Hayden asked.

"Ya but, probably not much."

They nodded. "I just feel so bad for her. I can't imagine what it's like," Annie said.

I nodded, "me neither."

"Hey you guys ready?" Lexi asked.

We nodded and got in line. Getting ready to take the pictures for Lexi.

The boys went first. One by one they went. Taking about thirty pictures each, then doing some group photos. Next up was the girls.

Annie when first, then Lauren, me, and Ruby. We took the same amount of pictures as the boys did.

"Kenzie, be sassy. We all know you can do it," Lexi said.

I gave her a look and she snapped the picture. "That's it! That's what I'm looking for!" Lexi exclaimed.

I couldn't help but to laugh. Her of course, getting those pictures too. Once I finished up, Ruby went. Then it was time for our group pictures.

"Okay, Rubs, turn a bit to your right. Perfect!" Lexi instructed.

She got a few random pictures of all of us. Then adding the boys in was a new adventure.

"I got you!" John shouts bear hugging me.

I squirmed around trying to break free from him. Completely ignoring the flashes of light from the camera.

"Babe, you know I hate bear hugs," I pout.

"Correction, you hate Maddie giving you bear hugs," John grinned. "You hate her doing it because she did it to annoy you when you were younger."

I look up at him, "I need to stop telling you something's."

He nods and laughs. Giving me a kiss, "you look beautiful Kenzie," he whispered.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I smiled.

"After this, want to get something to eat?" Carson asked.

Everyone agreed to it since, nobody wanted to go home.

To be honest, I had a lot of fun modeling for Lexi.

Hey guys here's the new chapter.

I wanted to let everyone know that I have entered, Grey Matter, One Last Time, Christmas Spirit, Run, and A Cinderella Story in #wattys2018 TheWattys

I'm so excited so I hope I can win this year (probably not but still excited). So go check it out. I think you can nominate me. Just double check bc idk for sure.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed it.

Bye loves xoxo

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