Chapter 49 • TTFN

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Mackenzie's POV

Our last dinner together. Tonight is our last group dinner with our families for awhile. Tomorrow we leave for college, Johnny leaves for training tomorrow as well.

We've spent almost everyday together these past two months. He'll be gone until December. I don't know what day exactly at the moment but, the next time I will see him is sometime then.

Tonight though, we're enjoying every last minute of it. Since we won't see each other until thanksgiving. At least that's the rest of us.

"So what time do you leave tomorrow?" Maddie asked.

"The bus is supposed to come at eleven," John answered.

"We're going to leave right after that," I responded. Holding John's hand tightly underneath the table.

"I can't believe the time has come. I can't believe you're all leaving," Mom said sadly.

I nodded and looked down at my food. We had decided on a giant barbecue at my house. Everyone had come over, all siblings and significant others came along. Even Jack's family came too.

We have told stories about throughout the years. Talking about how we've changed and grown and matured throughout the years.

"Remember the time in Florida when we were at the beach and buried Jacob and Hayden in the sand when they were sleeping?" Annie laughed.

We nodded and laughed at the memory.

"I will say this, the best memory of all was our very first one together," I admit. "That will forever be the best memory to me."

My friends nodded and agreed with me. Meanwhile time passed and the conversations continued on as the sun began to set.

"Can I say something?" John asked, standing up.

Everyone turn towards him and nodded.

"Okay well, first thank you to everyone for supporting me and always being there for me. Without your support I definitely wouldn't have joined the army. And thank you for everything you've done. Everyone here means a lot to me and I love you all," John begins.

I smiled and held his hand. He turned to me and smiled weakly. However, in the corner of my eye I see the girls smirking and grinning. Oh god, they're up to something.

"And Mackenzie, without you I wouldn't know what to do with myself. You're the love of my life, every time I see you, you take my breath away. My stomach is full of butterflies, my heart skips a beat and my mind becomes scattered. The one big thing I know is the list of reasons why I love you. It's because you're you. I'd rather die tomorrow than live a thousand years without knowing you. And as jack Skellington once said My dearest friend, if you don't mind
I'd like to join you by your side.
Where we could gaze into the stars
and sit together, now and forever
for it is plain, as anyone can see,
We're simply meant to be," John said.

I smile looking up at him. Not believing a word he's saying right now.

"And you don't need to worry ever. Because I choose you. And I'll always choose you over and over again, without hesitation, without doubt. In a heartbeat I'll keep choosing you. And when it's real, you just can't walk away, that's why this is so hard. But, distance isn't an issue, because in the end I have you. That's why it feels so right to do this. Just know I'll always have you now and forever," John said, getting down on one knee pulling out a box from his pocket. Opening it up, inside was a diamond ring.

"Mackenzie Francis Ziegler, i can say a lot of things that every other guy has said before but, you're more than my best friend, you're more than my sisters best friend, you're a lot to me and you have a place in my heart that nobody else could. I want you there forever and even longer. Will you marry me?"

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