Chapter 16 • Telling the Family

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Mackenzie's POV

"So Johnny, you're really going to do it?" Annie asked.

Johnny nods confidently. "I want to. If it doesn't work out then it doesn't work out."

I sighed and looked down at my nails. Picking at them nervously. John told everyone about enrolling in the army. He is supported by everyone, it's just hard to believe John wants to do this. He's always been into music and sports.

"Well, Johnny I really hope it works out and you stay safe," Ruby smiled.

"Thank you," Johnny smiled back, wrapping his arm around me.

"How did your parents take it?" Ashton questioned, eating a fry.

"They didn't like the idea at first but, after I talked to them for a bit, they got used to the idea and they're going to support me," John explains.

"And I do too, just to put that out there," Lauren added.

I laughed a bit.

Tonight we're telling my family. I haven't told Maddie since I found out. Granted, it's only been like, four days but still, I tell Maddie everything. This is killing me because I need to talk about it to someone.

"So guys, what are we doing for Halloween?" Lexi asked, taking a sip of her soda.

"I heard there's a party at Mark's house, and Mark has bomb ass parties too," Hayden explains.

Mark Thomas, he's one of our friends but, we're not too close with him. Every now and then we hang out. But, Hayden's right, he throws some good parties.

"Mack, you in?" Carson questioned.

I looked up, snapping out of my thoughts. "Uh, ya," I respond nodding.

"What's wrong?" Lauren asked.

"Nothing I'm fine."

"You sure? You've been spaced out a lot lately," Jacob pondered.

I nod, "ya I'm fine."

They nodded and just let it go. As usual, they continued to talk while I went back to my thoughts. My thoughts seem like they're my safe place.

My mind goes to a million different places in a matter of three minutes. There's so many things that race through my mind. It's hard to even stop.

I just close my eyes and sighed. Why does it have to be like this?


"Babe we're here," Johnny mentioned, as he parked the car in my driveway.

I look at him and nodded. Taking off my seatbelt and get out of the car. John takes my bag and we walk together to the front door.

I unlocked it and the door swings open.

"Mackenzie?! Is that you?!"

I sighed recognizing the voice as Maddie's. "Ya! It's John and I!"

I close the door behind us and walk to the living room, seeing Maddie sitting on the couch watching a movie. Eating some chocolate and popcorn.

"Hey guys," she smiled.

I waved and sat down on the couch, John drops the bags and throws himself on my lap. His head resting on my lap while his legs dangle off the arm of the couch.

I giggled and played with his hair looking down at him smiling. He smiled up at me. Then there was a flash.

"You guys are too cute I had to," Maddie defended.

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