Chapter 8 • Girls Day

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Mackenzie's POV

There has been nothing interesting going on lately. School is a bore and it's the same thing everyday.

Today I have to hang out with Maddie because I promised her. Hopefully Jack joins us or something, I like Jack and plus they always spoil me so it's not that bad.

As I was getting changed the door opened. As a natural reaction, I covered myself the best I could with my hands. Praying it wasn't dad or Jack.

"Hey- oh sorry Kenzie," Maddie said closing the door behind her. Then covering her eyes.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. "You don't have to cover your eyes. You and I both know you've seen me naked before," I stated.

She nodded laughing. Removing her hands from over her face, she walked over to me and sits on my bed.

"Don't do this to your kid though, I mean, just because I'm letting you do this because you're my sister. Your kid won't," I say, sliding on underwear and a bra.

She laughs and nods. "Ya I know. But, anyways, what do you want to do today?" Maddie questions.

I shrugged as I put on my black ripped skinny jeans. "I don't know. Figured we'd just drive around until we'd see something interesting."

She nodded and stood up, walking over to my closet and picking out a shirt for me.

"Mack, you're really skinny. How much do you weigh?" Maddie asked concerned.

"A hundred pounds I think," I answer rolling my eyes.

"That's twenty pounds underweight Mackenzie. That's not healthy," Maddie said, handing me a red tank top with a skull on it.

I take it and put it on, as well as a red and black flannel. Sliding on my black low top vans.

"It's fine Maddie. I'm not starving myself, I just don't gain weight that much. Fast metabolism," I reassure.

Maddie nods and I start to do my hair. Straightening it out and styling it the best I can.

"You're sure you're okay?" Maddie questions.

I sighed and turned to her. "Maddie, today is for you. Don't worry about me, today is a day to just relax and have fun. Seriously, I'm fine. I should be your last concern."

"I'll always be concerned about you but, I'll try my best to relax," Maddie says.

I smiled and unplugged my hair straightener. Deciding not doing my make up today we got to Maddie's car and started to drive around.

"Where do you want to go to?" Maddie asks.

"How about we get some lunch and see a movie," I suggested.

"Sounds good," Maddie smiled.

I smiled back and we drove down to a small diner. One of our favorites since we were little. It opened in the 90's, the food is so good, and the people are so nice.

We walked inside and sat at a booth.

"Hello, my names Monica, I will be your waitress today. What would you like to drink?"

"I'll have a water," Maddie said.

"I'll have a sprite," I say.

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