Chapter 44 • F*ck It

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Mackenzie's POV

"So what's the plan for tomorrow?" Ashton asked, taking a seat at our lunch table.

We shrugged starting to pick at our food. Trying to decide what we wanted to do tomorrow, being that tomorrow is Friday and no parties are being thrown this weekend.

"I don't know to be honest," Hayden sighed eating a French fry off his plate.

I sighed and looked down, I had my sketch pad in front of me. I had most of my drawings and what not done, with me or at Maddie's house. Since I'm still staying there because I haven't tried talking to Mom.

"What're you drawing Mack?" Ruby asked looking over at me.

I looked up and covered my drawing with my hands. "Uh, nothing. Nothing, just doing some sketches," I shrugged.

"How come we never see your art work? We've only seen a few pieces all these years," Johnny asked.

"Because, most of my artwork is crap and I don't like criticism."

"Do you not like criticism in general or you don't like our criticism?" Lexi questioned, raising an eyebrow and popping a grape in her mouth.

I sighed and looked down, "the second one," I muttered.

They laughed and shook their heads. "Come on let us see, please?" Carson begged.

I shake my head, "it's not even done yet. Maybe another time."

"You say that every time," Lauren states.

I shrugged and continue sketching my drawing. I'm so close to being done and I just want to be finished so I can send these in.

"Please Kenzie, just show us," Ruby begged.

I shake my head, "nope," I say popping the 'p'.

They groaned and rolled their eyes at me. I just laugh and put my book away in my backpack. I put everything away and started eating my lunch. Even though, it's probably not real food.

"Seriously though, what's the plan tomorrow?" Hayden asked.

We shrugged and look at each other. Trying to come up with different ideas for a plan tomorrow.

"Let's just go simple and do a movie night," Jacob suggested.

It wasn't a bad idea either. I liked it, we all did. "Who's house?" Lauren asked.

"We can do it at mine, I mean my parents don't come back until Saturday and plus, I mean we always have a lot of fun at my house," Lexi suggested.

"Ya I'm still not talking to my mom so we couldn't do it at mine," I mutter bitterly.

"Still not talking to your mom?" John questioned.

I shake my head no. "It's been over a week since I last talked to her. Just goes to show you how much she loves me," I say bitterly.

"She does, they're probably upset or whatever. Just things will work out. Promise," Annie said.

I shrugged. It's whatever, it's not like I'm going to be staying here for much longer I thought.


I sit with a soda bottle in hand, not spiked either. Just another Friday night at Lexi's house. I leaned on John with my legs curled up in my chest.

We just having yet another movie marathon and we're on our third movie. Lexi's parents are out of town yet again and are coming back tomorrow morning. So it'll be fun I guess.

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