Chapter 25 • Hospital Trips

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Mackenzie's POV

"What movie do you want to watch?" I ask, looking at the stacks of movies I owned.

"Well, since thanksgiving was two days ago, I say a Christmas movie," Hayden says.

I laughed and grabbed the first one I saw. How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I walk over to the TV and place it in the DVD player. Once everything had started up, I take my seat next to Johnny on the ground cuddled under a blanket.

"So Black Friday shopping was fun," Lexi said.

We looked over at her and laughed. It was fun, mostly because we got into three fights while shopping. The rest of the time we were fine, the fights was the best part of it though.

"I can't believe you pulled that chicks weave out Lex," Lauren stated.

We laughed, remembering Lexi had wanted this sweater so much that she fought a black woman for it. Ended up ripping her weave out and throwing it across the store so she'd go get it.

"Hey, who got that sweater in the end," Lexi defended. "Oh speaking of clothes, I finished my sketches, can I get your measurements later?" Lexi asked.

"Ya sure, when are you going to need us to model?" I ask.

"Probably Wednesday or Thursday. Maybe both, I'll let you know. You know I sew like nobody's business so it'll be sooner than later," Lexi said.

She's not wrong about her sewing. One year, she forgot to get Christmas presents for Carson, Ashton and Hayden. So she sewed them 3 sweaters each, which they still wear to this day, in a day.

We were impressed needless to say. But, we knew she meant her word when she said it'd be sooner than later for us to model for her.

"Hey is your sister home?" Ashton asked.

"Ya she's upstairs."

"Why don't you ask her if she wants to join us? I mean, she's probably lonely," Jacob suggested.

"Ya plus, we love Maddie. She's our sister too," Annie states.

"Okay okay, I'll call her," I say pulling my phone out.

I hit her contact and bring my phone to my ear. Listening to it ring while I wait for her to answer. After several rings she doesn't answer. Which is weird, she usually answers after the third ring.

"That's weird she didn't answer," I say looking at my phone.

"Maybe she's in the shower or something," Ruby said.

I shake my head, "no madz al-"

Then we heard a scream. It came from upstairs. It didn't sound like a good scream either.

We looked at each other then jumped up. Running upstairs to go see what was going on.

"Maddie?!" I shout, running down the hallway. I see the bathroom light in her room was on. I quickly run inside and see my sister on the floor crying.

There was blood on the ground. I look at my sister in shock.

The babies.

"Kenzie, the babies," she cried.

I stood frozen. I didn't know what to do. Suddenly I snap back seeing my friends picking up Maddie.

"Come on, call your mom, tell her we're bringing Maddie to the hospital," Jacob said.

I nodded and rushed out with them dialing my mom's phone number. Praying to god she'd answer.

"Mackenzie, this better be important. I'm in a meeting," mom said.

"Mom, there's something wrong with the babies. We're bringing Maddie to the hospital," I explain. "Please come fast! And call Jack!"

"Oh my god. Okay I'm on my way. I'll call the boys," mom said.

I hang up and get in the back of John's car with Maddie. Trying my best to calm her down. Hiding the fact I'm scared shitless.

"Maddie it's going to be fine. We'll be at the hospital soon," I reassured her. Over and over again.

It felt like forever but, when we pulled up to the emergency room everyone and their mother ran out of the car into the building. Leaving only Maddie and I in the car.

Then people came running out with a wheelchair. I get out of the car and they help get Maddie out and in the wheelchair.

I started running with them. Until I was stopped.

"Ma'am you can't go back there," the nurse said.

"Please! I need to that's my sister!"

She nodded and let me and only me go.

"Did you call mom and dad? What about Jack?" Maddie asked.

"Yes they're on their way," I answer.

She nodded and we end up in a room. They hook her up to IVs and start some tests.


We turn and around and see Jack and our parents standing in the doorway.

"Baby, what happened?" Jack asked.

"I don't know, I was throwing up because of my morning sickness. I got up and I see blood on the ground," Maddie explained.

"Excuse me there's too many people in here. Three of you need to leave," the doctor said.

We nodded and mom dad and I left. Going back to the waiting room. Sitting with my friends and Jack's family.

We waited for what felt like forever in there. Waiting to hear something. Then finally we see Jack walking out of the doors. He looks like he's been crying.

"What happened?" Jack's mother asked.

He just shakes his head. "We lost a twin," he said weakly.

My jaw dropped. No sound came out. Just the tears began to stream down my face.

They lost one of the babies.

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