Chapter 43 • Called Down

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Mackenzie's POV

"Hey Mackenzie can I talk to you?" Mrs. Kintz asked.

I was in art with the girls right now. Nothing too exciting. Just me doing my drawing while I listened to them talk about whatever it was they wanted to talk about.

I nodded and stood up, she takes me out to the hallway and closes the door behind her. Which is weird, because Mrs. Kintz doesn't do this sort of thing.

"Am I in trouble?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "No you're not don't worry. I just wanted to tell you, I sent out your portfolio to some art schools I think you'd be perfect for. They just sent me something back and they seem to really like your work. They're willing to give you a full scholarship too," Mrs. Kintz explains.

My jaw dropped, "really?!"

She nodded, "yes, all you have to do is just create some works in different forms of media and send it in."

"What schools are they?" I question.

"Royal College of art in the UK, Rhode Island School of Design, Full Sail, NYU, and Carnegie Mellon University here in Pittsburgh," Mrs. Kintz answered.

I smiled, "this is amazing thank you."

"No problem, you're one of my greatest students I have. You deserve this Mackenzie," she said before the both of us walk back into class.

I take a seat and continue what I was doing before. Acting as if nothing had happened. It was quiet at my table which was unusual. I look up and see the girls staring at me.


"What happened?! You literally just sat back down like nothing had happened," Annie said.

I shrugged, "nothing important."

"That's obviously a lye, Kintz never pulls anyone out of class. What happened?" Ruby insisted.

"She just had to ask me something. Seriously guys don't worry," I say simply.

They sighed as the bell rang. Signaling its time to leave. We get our things and walk out. Walking to our next period together, the boys met up with us.

"John, will you tell your girlfriend to tell us what happened last period," Lexi insisted.

"Tell what happened last period," Johnny said to me.

I laughed and shook my head. "It's no big deal. Especially since you guys have better things going on then I do," I say.

"Come on just tell us," Hayden begged.

"Maybe another time. Seriously, it's no big deal," I say simply sitting down in my seat.

"Please Kenzie," John pouted, sticking out his bottom lip.

I laughed and kissed him. "Still no," I say.

He groans and sits back in his seat. I get my stuff out as class starts. Our teacher lecturing us on whatever it is that I wasn't paying attention to.

"Mackenzie, Mr. Reynolds wants to see you," Mr. Taylor said.

I nodded and got up. Walking down to the guidance office. Wondering why he wanted to see me. I couldn't really come up with a good reason on why he had wanted to see me though.

I walked in and was immediately sent back to his office. There I took a seat in one of the chairs across from him.

"Hi Mr. Reynolds," I say shyly.

"Hello there Mackenzie," he said, turning from his laptop to face me. "Don't worry you're not in trouble. I just wanted to talk to you."

I nodded and got comfortable knowing that this would be awhile. "What about?"

"Well, it seems that you haven't decided on a college or really anything. And I wanted to see if you needed help," he explains. "This point in your life is hard. There's so many decisions to make and it's just confusing. So I'm here to help you."

I nodded and shifted in the chair. "Well I'm not too sure exactly what I want to do. So I'm still kind of stuck," I say.

"Well, if you came to me earlier this year I could've helped you. However, being that it's this late in the year, I can't do too much to help. I mean, looking back you've taken numerous art classes so it seems to me you really enjoy art. Maybe a career in the arts?" Mr. Reynolds suggested.

I nodded and looked down at my feet. Not even my guidance counselor can help me.

Hey guys not that many parts left in the story. But I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Anyways, I'm hella tired and I have school tomorrow and work 5 days in a row this week and I don't want to but I need the money so I'll suffer.

Anyhow, I got a new story up called bones and you should go check it out.

Anyways that's it.

Bye loves xoxo

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