Chapter 35 • Christmas Day

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Mackenzie's POV

The sun shined in my eyes. I smiled weakly. Christmas Day, one of the best days of the whole year.

I sat up and rub my eyes, looking out of my window. I see a fresh blanket of snow on the ground. It was beautiful. The Christmas lights were still on in the neighborhood made it even better.

"Hey, you up?" Maddie knocked at my door. She opens up and smiled at me.

I look down quickly and remember I did have clothes on. After John had left, I put on my pajamas. Meaning John's sweatpants, a t-shirt and John's hoodie.

"Merry Christmas," I smiled.

"Merry Christmas Mack," Maddie said, hugging me. "You want to go downstairs, most everyone is up."

I nodded and got up. Limping over to my crutches when my door opens again. This time it's Tyler and his girlfriend Gina.

"Hey, we came to see if you needed any help," Gina said.

"Nah, I think I'm good. I can just slide down the steps," I shrugged.

Tyler walked over and picks me up. Maddie took my crutches and we walked downstairs.

"Tyler, I could've done it myself," I say.

He looks at me nodding. "I know, but then I couldn't have done this," he says. Putting me on the couch and tickling me.

Ryan and Maddie joined in. Just making it more torturous for me.

When I was little they would do this all the time. Whether I was in a bad mood, upset or they just wanted to do it. That's what I get for being the youngest though. It's not that fun.

I'm younger by a landslide though. Obviously I'm seven years younger than Maddie, then Tyler is just a few years older than Maddie so he's twelve years older than me. Lastly Ryan is fifteen years older than me. In a way I was unexpected, but in another way I was expected.

"Okay okay, get off your poor sister. She's not five anymore," mom said pushing them off of me.

"Thank you," I say, trying to catch my breath.

"Can we get some pictures first?" Mom asked.

We all groaned at the request.

"Come on! It's Mackenzie's last Christmas before college. Please?" Mom begged.

We looked at each other and sighed. "Fine," we agreed.

We sat together on the couch. Taking multiple pictures with each other. Our final picture before presents was all of us. The siblings and significant others together.


I sat on the couch watching another movie. I'm like a vegetable in a way. I can't do much so I just sit.

The doorbell rings, I got up and hobbled over to the door. Opening it up, on the other side is friends and their families.

"Merry Christmas," I greet as they walked in.

"Mackenzie! Go sit down, you don't have stand her holding the door open," Dale said.

"Nah it's okay. I don't mind, it gives me something to do," I shrugged.

Once everyone was inside, John wrapped his arm around me and lead me over to the couch. Carson closed the door and my friends gathered around on the couch.

"What cha watching Kenzie?" Jacob asked.

"I don't know. Some cheesy hallmark movie," I shrugged.

They laughed and we got comfortable. We sat together just watching the terribly cheesy movie.

"Hey guys," Ryan greeted. Him, Tyler, Gina and Heather (Ryan's wife) walked into the living room.

Everyone was surprised to see them. Since they don't live in Pennsylvania anymore we rarely ever see them.

"Hey guys!" My friends smiled.

The four of them take a seat across from us and look up at the tv.

"So how've you guys been?" Tyler asked.

"We've been good how about you?" Lauren said.

The conversation goes on for awhile. I don't pay any attention to it. I'm too hooked on the movie to remotely listen to their conversation.

"So John, you're treating my sister right?" Ryan asked.

I rolled my eyes and looked over at Ryan. Thirty-two years old and still treats me like I'm five.

"Of course, she's a princess," John smirked.

I look at him and smiled kissing him. "He's great most of the time," I laugh.

John looks at me and smirks, "but I'm fantastic in one place," he whispers in my ear.

I look at him smiling.

"Kids dinner!" Mom announced entering the room.

We all got up and I hopped over to the kitchen. Sitting down in between John and Lauren.

"Here to an amazing year, amazing friends and family. Merry Christmas!" Dad saluted.

"Merry Christmas!"

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