Chapter 39 • Casts Off & Valentine's Day

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Mackenzie's POV

"What are you doing today Mack?" Annie asked as we walked to history together.

"I'm getting my cast off finally," I say happily. "Just in time too, Valentine's Day is tomorrow and now I can wear this really cute dress I bought."

They smiled at me and we enter class, taking our seats and setting our stuff down.

"When do you leave?" Hayden asked.

"This period," I answer. "My Mom has to run errands with Maddie so she just decided to bring me along too."

"Sounds fun," Lexi said sarcastically.

I nodded laughing a bit. The phone goes off and Mr. Taylor answers it. Once he hangs up he turns to me. "You're free Mackenzie," he said.

I chuckle and get up making my way down to the office. Excited to get this damn cast off of my leg.


"How do you feel Kenzie?" Maddie asked as we walked out of the hospital.

"Great. No more stupid cast," I say happily as I take a seat in the car.

"You better shave you leg. Its probably really bad," Mom said as she started the car.

I nodded and laughed. I go on my phone and scrolled through Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat. Answering people back and liking posts.

iMessage received now
Johnny boi💜: hey babe, what do you say tomorrow, just you and I? Fancy restaurant, we can have some fun afterwards???

I smiled weakly and texted back:

Ya, sounds nice. I can't wait babe. Ily💜😍😘

I hit send, turning my screen off and looking up. Joining whatever conversation Maddie and Mom were having.

"So Kenzie, what do you plan to do with Johnny tomorrow?" Mom asked, looking in the rear view mirror at me.

Maddie turned and smirked at me. Making my cheeks heat up.

"We're just going to go out to dinner, that's if we can get into a restaurant," I say.

Mom smiled back at me, "John's such a nice boy. Just tomorrow sweetie, use protection. I don't want to be a grandma to your children just yet."

My jaw dropped and my face turned red in embarrassment. "Mom!"

Maddie, on the other hand, died laughing in the front seat.

"What? Momma isn't stupid. She knows when something's going on. Trust me I know somethings up when you come home with hickeys on your neck almost every time you're over his house. Also, I'd find a better hiding spot for the condoms," mom explained. "And sweetie, your moans aren't quiet. I've heard them before."

My face turned a brighter red while Maddie's laughing got louder and more obnoxious. I sunk back into the seat and just shake my head looking out the window.

It's quiet for a moment. Making it really awkward in the car.

"So magnum condoms huh?" Mom states. "He must be a big b-"


Her and Maddie started laughing in the front seat.

"Sorry honey, I had to," Mom laughed.

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. Feeling my cheeks heat up more than ever.

John better not leave any evidence anymore, and I have told find a hiding place for the condoms.


I smoothed out my dress in the mirror. Looking over my outfit again and again, tight red dress, black fishnet stockings and black heel boots.

My hair is straightened to perfection and my makeup is perfect. I look in the mirror and smiled.

I heard a knock at my door, then it opened up revealing Maddie.

"You look beautiful Mack!" She smiled, hugging me.

"Thanks Madz, what are you and Jack going to do tonight?" I ask.

She shrugged and sat down, "probably going to have some dinner and watch a movie," Maddie answered tossing a pillow aside.

"Have fun then," I smiled.

She smiled back at me and placed her hand on her belly. She's due in two months and honestly she hasn't really shown that much. There's barely even a bump.

"Here, feel," Maddie said, grabbing my hand and placing it on her tummy.

I felt the baby kick and move around a bit. I couldn't help but to smile.

"Madz, why do you have to move?"

Her and Jack found a house not to far from here. It's literally ten minutes away, and it's huge too. They're moving in, in about two weeks. Right now they're closing the deal and then they're going to do the painting and decorating before they move in.

She gave me a sad smile and opened her arms, engulfing me in them. "I need to start my family's life now. You're always more than welcome to stay at the house, you know we have the room obviously," Maddie explained.

Having the room is an understatement. They have a total of five bedrooms, six bathrooms, an office, a big ass garage and a basement.

I nodded and then heard the doorbell ring. "Well, that's me. I have to go," I say hugging her one last time, before grabbing my leather jacket and clutch and exiting my room.


"You look fantastic," Johnny complimented for the tenth time already.

I smiled back at him, "so do you."

He's wearing a black button up, black dress pants, black dress shoes and a red tie. With a watch I had gotten him two years ago.

"Babe, I am the luckiest guy in the room. I have the prettiest girl on the planet right in front of me," John said, grabbing my hand.

I blush slightly and hold his hand, "I feel like I'm underdressed."

"Well you're going to be overdressed later," he smirked.

I giggled and gave him a small smile. "Thank you for being such a sweetheart. I can't believe this June we would be together for four years now," I say in disbelief.

He asked me out the summer going into ninth grade. Our first date was when we were in California on vacation, to the Santa Monica pier.

"I can, because I have the perfect girl," John smiled kissing my hand.

We talked for awhile and ate our food, eventually finishing up and heading back to his car. Apparently he rented a hotel room for us. And a nice one too, so I can't complain.

"Can I ask you something?" I say.

He nodded starting up the car. "What's up babe?"

I look down at my hands and look back at him. "Are we going to work out when you're away?"

"Of course we are baby. I know it," Johnny said confidently. "If we're asking questions I have one for you. Why do you want to go on a trip so badly?"

Crap I thought.

"I just want to do something fun. I like traveling. I thought everyone else did too," I say.

"We do, it's just, it's not the best time. Especially with everything going on. I mean, I think after graduation will be the best time for us to do something you know?" John explained.

I nodded, "ya I know."

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