Chapter 36 • New Year's Eve

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Mackenzie's POV

Tonight's the big night. It's finally New Year's Eve. Meaning, a time for fireworks, kissing, sex and drinking. Lots of drinking.

Tonight we're partying at Lexi's house as usual. All of our parents are staying at a resort over night, so we have the house to ourselves.

Our siblings are either going to friends houses, at least the younger ones are. While the older ones are at my house with Maddie and Jack.

Speaking of Maddie, the baby is due pretty soon. In the nexts four months. The doctors said that she's due April tenth.

I still can't wait to meet my niece or nephew. We still don't know which twin survived. Not even Maddie and Jack know. So I guess we're just going to be surprised when the time comes.

"Hey Mack, wanna start getting ready?" Lexi asked, approaching me sitting on her bed.

I look up and snap back into reality. "Sure, why not."

She smiled at me and helped me up. Ruby came over and got to my other side, supporting me. We walked to the closet and Annie took Lexi's place by my side. Lexi went and picked out a black cocktail dress.

I've worn it before and it's really cute. It's tight, cleavage shows and it's short but not too short.

"Need help getting changed?" Annie asked.

"Maybe, just stay by my side," I responded.

They both nodded and held onto me as I got changed. I take off my shirt and toss it to the side with the rest of our clothes. I held onto Annie as I tried to take my jeans off but I couldn't.

"I got this. Or should I get John to do it," Lauren asked.

I shoot her a look as they all laughed. They all helped me get my jeans off. Needing the three of them to support me and one person to get the pants off.

"Damn Kenz, you are going to have John drooling with this," Lexi said looking at my lingerie.

Black lace bra and matching underwear too. "That's why I wore it," I smirked.

They laughed as we started to get the dress on.

"So Kenz, serious question, how do you and John have sex now that you have the cast?" Annie questioned.

"It's basically the same way we always do it. He's just been focusing on me a lot more. If you know what you mean."

Their jaws dropped, "damn girl. You getting treated like a queen," Lexi said. "Is he good at it?"

I smirked and they laughed.

"Damn Kenz, you need to break your leg more often," Ruby said, zipping me into my dress.

I shake my head, "no this is hell. I can't do this," I replied, limping over to the seat.

"Here I got you boo," Lexi said, starting to curl my hair.

"So you guys think we're all going to get a New Years present tonight?" Lauren asked.

"Ya definitely, remember last year?" Annie asked.

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