Chapter 28 • Soccer Games

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Mackenzie's POV

The sound of the whistle blew. Then the game started. There was so many people in the crowd. Our families and the boys sat together on the bleachers.

We could hear them over all the people here. It was nice that they were here. And after we're going to Chili's just because.

"Mackenzie!" Lexi shouts.

I look over and see her kick the ball over to me. I start to kick it, maneuvering it like it was nothing. Making sure nobody from the other team could get it.

Then I take my shot. I watch as the goalie goes to jump for it. Missing it completely, and the ball hits the net.

The crowd goes crazy. I ran and tackled the girls in a hug.

"One point goes to Crowley high!" The announcer said.

We get back into formation. The other team now has the ball. Of course we can get it back. That's Lauren's specialty. She can retrieve the ball easily.

The whistle goes off, signaling its time to start. Within a matter of minutes Lauren has the ball. Passing it over to Ruby.

"Ruby! I'm open!" Annie shouts.

Ruby passed it over to Annie who starts running towards the goal.

I'm only a few feet away from her. She turns to me and passes it. I immediately spin around since the ball got away from me. I got back on track and kick the ball.

Hitting the net yet again. I scored another point for the team. Two points in and not even close to being done with the first half.

"You think you can get us a third point?" Lexi asked as we ran back to the center of the field.

"Hell ya I can," I say getting in position.

As soon as that whistle blew I ran. As fast as I could I ran to get the ball.

Someone from the other team kicked the ball, but the person missed it so it was just sitting on the side. A few feet away from me.

I go to run for it, trying to get there before someone else could. I go to kick, then something hits me. It felt like a train.

I flipped hitting my head hard against the ground. My leg had a blinding pain shooting through it.

Then the whistle sounded. I was surrounded my the girls.

I look down at my leg. The bone isn't sticking out, but you can tell it's displaced. My ankle is bent in such a bad way and my head was throbbing.

"Holy shit!" I shouted.

"Hey you're going to be fine, just breath. In and out," Lauren said calmly.

She kept saying that over and over again getting on my nerves.

"Lauren stop with this mellow hippie bullshit! I know how to breath! Get me some fucking drugs to get rid of this pain!"

"Mack, calm down," Ruby said.

Moments later more people crowded around. Coach, paramedics, the boys, my family and everyone else's families.

I closed my eyes trying to hold back the tears. It hurt so bad. It really felt like a train hit me.

The paramedics get me onto a stretcher.

"Hey I'm coming with," Johnny said.

"Ya we'll all come with," Annie said.

I shake my head, "no stay here. Come after the game. I'll be fine."

Before they could protest, I'm being rolled off the field. My family following along as we got to the ambulance.

"I'll ride with you," mom stated, getting in the back with me.

"Mommy it hurts," I whined.

"I know it does, but it's going to be just fine. I promise," mom reassured.

I nodded and start to doze off. My eyelids got really heavy and everything went black.


My eyes opened up again, I was greeted by a bright light.

"Ow! Shit it's bright," I muttered.

"Hey, you're awake," mom said, holding my hand.

I look around the room and see my family. Only my family. Maddie is in the corner with Jack. She looks pissed off, very pissed.

"They got an x-ray and a cat scan. You hit your head really hard you blacked out in the ambulance," dad explained.

I nodded and looked over at Maddie. She walks over and shakes her head.

"You're fine, this is nothing," she said angrily.

"Madison, your sisters hurt," mom scolded.

Maddie doesn't say anything. Just rolls her eyes and stands there.

There was a knock on the door then, the doctor walks in. He smiled weakly and closed the door right behind him.

"Hello Mackenzie, I see you're finally awake. So, we looked at the x-rays and CAT scans, you have a mild concussion. Seeing that you have a sense of awareness and you haven't lost your memory. You also, broke your leg and your ankle in two places," he explains.

I nodded, "will I be able to play later in the season?"

He gave me a sad look, "I'm sorry. There's no way, it's seriously injured. You'll be in a cast for a good two, three months," he said.

My heart sank to my stomach. I'm out the whole season.

"What about her concussion, is there anything we can do?" Mom asked, playing with my hair.

"She needs to stay home for a week. No light, no sound, no nothing. She'll need to wear sunglasses inside if it's bright," he explained.

All I did was nod. I'm out the whole season.

He walks out, saying someone will come and put on my cast in a few minutes.

"Mom, I'm out the whole season," I say.

"I know Kenzie I'm so sorry," mom said.

"At least it's not like she lost a baby," Maddie muttered.

"Madison, whatever's wrong or gotten into you stop it. Your sister is hurt and she's upset just like you were," mom explained.

"Its soccer mom. She can play it all the time," Maddie countered.

"It's a baby Maddie. You can make more of them. You can have as many as you want. I can't get this back. I can't get this part of my life back! Just get out i don't want you here!" I yell. "I was so nice to you. I was at the hospital everyday for you and this is the shit you do. I don't want you here. So go, obviously you don't want to be here so just leave. Nobody is stopping you. If I could I'd open up the damn door for you myself."

Maddie gave me a look and smacks my leg so hard. I shout in pain.

"Just leave I hate you! You're a self conceded bitch!"

Mom holds me back and Maddie just stands there for a second. She turns on her heel and leaves.

"Mackenzie I'm sorry," Jack apologized. "I'll see you at home."

Jack left the room, moments later the guy came to do my cast.

"What color would you like?" He asked.


He nodded and grabs the color.

While he does his thing, I squeezed dad's hand tightly. It hurt for him to move it. When it was all said and done, he gave me a weak smile then left.

"I told everyone to come over tomorrow sweetie. I figured you'd want some sleep," mom said, brushing back my hair.

I nodded, "can John sleepover?" I ask.

"Not tonight sweetie. I think it's better if you are alone for tonight," dad said.

I nodded sadly. How did everything turn do wrong?

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