Chapter 30 • Sister

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Mackenzie's POV

Apparently Maddie was told she had to watch me when she gets home from work. Which is around noon because her boss knows about the morning sickness and everything they let her work from home.

Right now I'm just laying in bed watching Netflix with my sunglasses on. It's only ten in the morning so I have like two more hours until I have to deal with Maddie.

Hopefully she doesn't talk to me at all. One can hope right?


"Hey Kenzie," Johnny greets as he and our friends enter my room.

"Hey," I smiled standing up.

"We know Kenzie," Carson began.

I gave them a confused look, "know what?"

"Everything, you're not sure if your going to college, what you're going to do, you don't even have a plan for your future," Lexi snarled.

I'm taken back. How did they find out about this?

"You're a joke Ziegler, you always have and you always will be," Ruby said, kicking my leg.


I look down and see it's bent a certain way and my bone is displaced again. All that from one kick?

"I don't think she got it hard enough," Lauren smirked, kicking me again.

I scream out in pain even louder.

"Forget it Ziegler, you've never been important. To us, to your family, to the world. You're just a waste of space," Ashton shrugged.

Why are they saying this? They're my friends.

Johnny steps forward opening his mouth to say something. "Wake up Mackenzie."


"Wake up Mackenzie."

"Wake up Mackenzie."

"Wake up Mackenzie."

I open my eyes and see Maddie sitting on the edge of my bed, shaking me. It was a dream. I must've fallen asleep watching Netflix.

"Hey, you okay? I came up to check on you and you were screaming and crying," Maddie said.

I just look at her for a long minute, attacking her in a hug. Crying into her shoulder. That dream got to me. It hit me hard.

"Hey, why're you crying? What happened?" Maddie asked, wiping away my tears.

I take a deep breath and look at her. "It was just a really bad dream. And I'm sorry I called you a self conceded bitch. You're my best friend Maddie, and I don't know what I'd do without you. Please I'm sorry I'm such a waste of space, I'm sorry," I rambled.

She grabs my head and pulls me close to her chest. Stroking my hair, trying to get me to calm down.

"Okay I'm going to take this step by step, starting with the waste of space thing. Why do you think you're a waste of space Mack?" Maddie said calmly.

"Because it's true, I'm not going to make a difference. I can't do anything, I'm not important to anyone an-"

"You are important. You are the most important thing to everyone. We love you Mackenzie. Don't you dare think of yourself like that again. What happened in your dream?" Maddie questioned.

"My friends walked in and told me a bunch of things like how I'm a waste of space. They kept kicking my leg that's why I was screaming."

She nodded and held my head close to her chest. So close I listened to her heart beat. It calmed me down a lot, it was oddly soothing to listen to.

"You feeling better?" She asked.

I nodded and turn to face her. She gave me a weak smile and pushed my hair back.

"Don't apologize for Friday night. It was all my fault, I deserved to be called that. There's just a lot of anger about losing the baby, that when you were in the hospital, it just triggered and I took it out on you," Maddie explained. "I know how much soccer means to you, I know that it was hard to hear you couldn't play anymore, and I'm sorry for everything. Especially for hitting your leg. That was a bitch move."

I nodded looking at her, "it really was," I mumbled.

We both laugh for a moment. Becoming serious in a matter of seconds.

"Seriously, I'm sorry. You're my little sister and I shouldn't have done that to you when you needed me. You were there for me everyday and I'm sorry I did all of that. And I'm not just saying this because everyone yelled at me for it. I'm saying because, once you got home Friday night, I had gotten up to get some water and I heard you cry yourself to sleep. I was going to go in but, I figured you didn't want to see me," Maddie explains.

"It's okay madz, I forgive you," I mumbled.

She gave me a weak smile, "how about we eat a bunch of junk food and watch Christmas movies?" She suggested.

The smile on my face answered the question. Of course I'd want to do that!

I'm just glad I got my sister back.

Hey guys! I hope you like the chapter.

So I wanted to give a quick run down on something's that's happened to me in the past weeks.

So about a little over a month ago I had surgery to get a cyst removed. I'm doing better now and now I can do more stuff.

I took my ACT, did my senior pictures and have cleaned my room and bathroom for probably three days straight.

I'm doing my online class and my summer assignment.

Sounds crazy right?

Well now, about two weeks ago now my sister (who's older) did some stupid shit and now I'm not allowed to talk to her.

I'm really upset because, I don't have much of a family already and growing up my sister was always in between houses to live in. Whether it was her friends house, her dads house (we have different dads) or my house.

I've forgiven her for things she's done in the past but now idk if I can forgive her. But, I really miss her. Like... a lot.

I also miss my best friend. She's a year older than me so she's in college and I haven't seen her in months. She's been my best friend since I was like 10.

Now I have like ten draft ideas for stories that idk which to write or if I can even write them at all.

So I think this year is my last year writing. I can't write any stories. I don't think it's writers block, I think I'm just growing up. Getting out of this phase. I'm going to be 17 in December and I think it's time for me to stop.

I'll still attempt to write but, I don't think it'll be the same.

Anyways thank you for letting me kind of rant in a way.

I love y'all so much. Thank you for everything you've done for me.

Love bandkid2001
Bye loves xoxo

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