My Guardian Demon (Demon Tord x Reader)

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Ya want awesome action? Possible gay undertones? Beautiful artwork? Boys and girls to drool over? A man yelling his own name and then beating bad guys up? Some dude has a limo that's inside of a tank that shoots out limos at people! There's people...

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Ya want awesome action? Possible gay undertones? Beautiful artwork? Boys and girls to drool over? A man yelling his own name and then beating bad guys up? Some dude has a limo that's inside of a tank that shoots out limos at people! There's people inside of those limos too!

Watch Motorcity!!

You were coming back home from a late night out from your job, which was a video rental store. You had picked up a few movies to watch and a few porn movies as well to laugh at them. You really didn't care for porn that much but seeing it made you laugh for some reason. It was a chilly dark night, and you were worried it was gonna rain. You swiftly walked down the street unaware of the dangers lurking in the alleyways.

"Hey sweetcheeks, whatcha doing out in late night like this? You could get jumped or something." A tall man appeared randomly with a few other guys in tow. You couldn't see his features because it was so damn dark, but you really didn't care.

"I'm going home." You simply said, walking around them only to be grabbed by the wrist and pulled back into the darkness of the alleyway. "Let me go!" You shouted, struggling against the assailants. You dropped your bags in the process and was about to scream when a hand clamped down onto your mouth, silencing you.

"I don't think so sweetie. We are gonna have some fun tonight." He chuckled darkly in your face. He smelled of beer and copper.

You went wide eyed as you felt tears gathering in the corner of your eyes. You tried to land a hit on any of them, but you failed miserably. "Stop, please!" You cried out, feeling the men began to paw your clothes off as you could only watch with teary eyes. "Someone help me please..." You reached your hand out to the opening of the alleyway, praying someone would help you.

But no one came.

Hey, I'll help you if you sign a contract with me.

You looked around to find the voice that spoke to you. You aren't hearing things anymore are you? You probably are because you are about to be violated by these drunken assholes.

Hey, I'm real as they come baby. I just need you to sign this, and I will help you.

Suddenly a piece of paper appeared in front of you with a pen. You swore you were hallucinating, but you didn't care as long as you were alive and well from these assholes. You struggled to write your name on the piece of parchment, shaky scribbles held your name as the piece of paper burst into flames.

Ehh, close enough. Thanks sweetie, I'll help you now.

Suddenly a large red flame appeared at the end of the alleyway. It was furiously crackling as a figure stepped out of it.

"What the fuck?" One of the men who stopped trying to take your underwear off looked back at the bright flames. The other men momentarily stopped undressing you, looking at the scene as you backed away from them. One of them pinned you down so you wouldn't make an escape.

A young adult male stepped out of the flames, smiling with a wicked grin on his face. He had dark brown hair that spiked up in the front to look like demon horns while he a small mullet in the back. His eyes were a sharp silver color, and he wore a black hoody with some black sweat pants.

That wasn't even the weirdest thing you were looking at to be honest. The boy had blood red bat wings and a whipped tail. There were ram horns sticking out on the side of his head as well. He looked like a demon; he probably was one, but still. He made eye contact with you smiling a little.

"Who the fuck are you?" One of the men asked, getting up to talk to the rude newcomer. "We're gonna have some fun with this toy, go somewhere else to play." He jabbed his finger into the stranger's chest. Suddenly he burst into flames, screaming in agony at the pain of being burnt alive.

The other men looked in fear at the newcomer.

"I'm sorry dudes, but you're hurting my contractee. Time to get off of them pronto or else." The mysterious man whistled, shooing them off. His tail wrapped around himself before uncurling. His wings flexed a little as he looked you dead in the eyes. "Times a ticking buddies, I'd rather not burn anymore of you guys. I do have honor." He walked forwards, creating small fire trails behind himself.

The men jumped off of you and bolted, leaving their burning friend to die.

You felt tired and scared, you were almost raped. You huddled against the brick wall with your somewhat intact clothes wrapped around you. You heard footsteps coming closer to you as you looked up to see the devil looking down at you with an amused expression. "What?"

"Oh you still can talk. Most people by now run away or die when they make a contract with me. I'm impressed elskling." He had a thick accent. It sounded European at best, but you didn't know which exact country he hailed from. "Don't worry, I don't bite." He smirked, revealing two sharp fangs. "Much." He laughed out loud, kneeling down to you.

You still believed you were hallucinating because this possibly couldn't be real. Right? "Is this real?" You asked a little.

The demon blinked, laughing. "Ja, honning. It's real. You signed a contract with me, and now you mine. I wonder how long you will last."

"What was the contract for?" You asked.

"You see even though I am a powerful demon, I cannot touch anything in the human world without a bond to a human. I needed your help to allow me to fully interact with this realm. Also I needed a place to stay." He bent down and lifted you up in his arms, bridal style. He laughed when you struggled, "Don't worry. I won't burn you. I'm not going to burn my contractee."

"W-Where are you taking me?!" You squeaked, trying to grab your bags.

His wings flexed out to their full span. He used his tail to pick up your bags, and he jumped up into the sky. He flapped his wings, hovering in the air slightly before chuckling as you held onto him for dear life. "Don't be afraid. I'm not going to drop you. Oh by the way, my name is Tord. Think of me as your guardian demon, Y/N." Tord stated, kissing your on the cheek before flying off to your house.


Elskling = darling

Ja = Yes

honning = honey

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