Zombieland (Zombie Matt x Female Reader) NSFW

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So, yeah, Swirlix wanted to do a collab (im hoping i remember it correctly) and its all for Matt because Matt barely gets any smut. Like barely, and even if he does, its like he's a sub (which isn't a bad thing, i'm just more of seeing the boys dom the fuck outta anyone) So I picked out a monster Matt, and Zombie Matt is fucking hot and so its weird since it would be considered necrophilia right? Last one I'm doing till i crank more out



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There was another apocalypse apparently while you were out on a camping trip with a few of your friends. Zombies to be exact. You wondered if Edd's friends started the whole ordeal like they usually do because they start everything.  No sense in worrying about it now because you were currently alone since your so called friends left your ass in the middle of the street as a horde of zombies came charging down.

"Lovely." You simply said, turning to run somewhere for cover when you saw a familiar red hoody near a broken down gun store. "Tord?" You whispered, quickly running over there as you avoided the various crawlers on the ground.

Once inside the gun store, you saw it was completely ransacked due to the sudden attack of zombies and survivors who went here first to get some defense. It was completely barren save for a few plastic models on the walls. No sign of what you thought was Tord. 

"Well shit. Must be some other survivor then.... Hello? Anyone here?" You quietly called in the store, hoping it was still someone who was very much alive instead of a brain eating zombie. You looked around for the figure while also looking to see if there was any remains of supplies you could use.

"Well, well, well... Looks like there's a survivor after all. And she's a real looker too." A voice startled you as you looked behind you to see a tall and large man with a gas mask over his face. He had a grey hoodie on with a pair of shredded black cargo pants. He had brown combat boots and a pocket knife in his hand. "Say, cutie, whatcha doing out here alone? Don'tcha got friends?"

You wished you hadn't gone in here. You didn't like where this was going at all. You reached around for your machete you plundered from a sports store, gripping the handle. "My friends left me in the middle of the street. I think they're dead or at least I hope so." You quietly said, backing up.

The man tilted his head. "Whatcha doing with that machete, darling?" He walked closer, playing with the pocket knife. "I'm not gonna hurt ya. We both need to survive this hell hole. Maybe, we are the last people on the planet left." His voice wavered as he had backed you up to the back of the store wall. 

"There's probably more people alive. I doubt we are the last ones left. They are probably hiding or something. You know Alexandria from The Walking Dead? Maybe there's a place like that." You said, reaching around to pull out your machete when suddenly the man reached out and forcefully pinned you to the wall. He held his pocket knife against your throat as his other hand grabbed your hip.

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