Saving The Losers Part 1 (Eddsworld x Female Reader)

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Ya want awesome action? Possible gay undertones? Beautiful artwork? Boys and girls to drool over? A man yelling his own name and then beating bad guys up? Some dude has a limo that's inside of a tank that shoots out limos at people! There's people...

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Ya want awesome action? Possible gay undertones? Beautiful artwork? Boys and girls to drool over? A man yelling his own name and then beating bad guys up? Some dude has a limo that's inside of a tank that shoots out limos at people! There's people inside of those limos too!

Watch Motorcity!!
You had picked up a mission to slay a Nerscylla. You actually hated Nerscylla because they were flying huge ass spider monsters. No one wants to live in an area with a Nerscylla, you sure didn't. So you decided to help this town out with its problem. You noticed a commotion near the gate that lead into the forest where you were heading to start your quest. You looked at both your Palicoes, Chabbot and Texas in confusion, "What's happening?"

Chabbot, your brown tabby Palico, mewed. "It seems that some kids got lost in the woods."

You frowned, "That's not good. There's a Nerscylla out there. Well, I guess this will be another good deed." You shrugged, clearing your throat for the crown to look at you. "Attention everyone, my name is Y/N L/N! I am a certified Hunter, and I will slay this dreaded Nerscylla and save those kids. Fear not!" You reassured them.

Some people were happy with that statement, happy that a Hunter would help them out in their time of need while some others were skeptical because of your gender. They didn't think a woman would be able to kill this giant monster that has been terrorizing them for months. "I doubt a woman would be able to handle this." Some random man said.

You grit your teeth. You pulled out your Mightning heavy bowgun, loading a few crags and cluster shots in it. "Do you see this weapon sir? This is a Mightning bowgun, they are hard to make because you have to slay quite a few Zinogres to make it." After showing it off, you put it back on your back and then proceeded to show off your armor you were wearing. It was a Gore Magala female outfit set, which was very hard to make considering how long it takes to slay Gore Magalas. "And this is a Gore Magala outfit set, do I need to tell you how long it takes to slay these monsters?" You put your hand on your hip, waiting for a comeback from the obviously defeated man.

Chabbot and Texas whistled.

"I take that as a no." You said and walked off towards the gate, waiting for your two Palicoes to follow you. "I will return with some Nerscylla hide and those kids." You bowed and grabbed some food and supplies for your trip. "Farewell!" You said running off to the forest to take out the Nerscylla.

After a few days, you found out where the Nerscylla was hiding from a very scared gray tabby Palico named Ringo. It seemed Ringo's hunter was captured by the Nerscylla along with his friends. You decided that these might be the kids who got lost which confused you because that would make them very young Hunters. You questioned Ringo about it.

"So, is your Hunter like young or something?" You asked Ringo, climbing up a webbed wall to the Nerscylla's home. Chabbot and Texas weren't far behind as they waited for Ringo to come up.

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