Cam Girl (Tori x Bunny! Female Reader) NSFW

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Hey you there, watch Motorcity

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Hey you there, watch Motorcity


Rejection hurts don't it? It hurts VERY bad. You were rejected by your college crush, Tom Ridgewood. He didn't say it outright in your face, but you overheard him talking with his friends about the type of girls he would date. And he specifically said, "Quiet types are cute and all, but they don't do much for me. Especially ones that get very flustered over anything, like Y/N for example."

You were quiet and easily scared because you always had something to hide. You see, you were part bunny. You had long white rabbit ears that you always had hiding in your parka and a long rabbit tail. More of a Jerboa like tail. You didn't want to be made fun of so you always seemed skittish, and that skittishness caused you to be talked about and not liked by many. This time it was used as a reason for your crush to not like. It hurt.

There were only a few people who knew about your features, and they were Edd, Matt, Ell, and Matilda. They discovered it by accident when you were getting bullied by some random dude outside. They rushed to your side to defend you as they happened to notice your ears and tail. They didn't laugh, Edd and Ell found it adorable while Matt and Matilda were amazed. They promised to keep it a secret, and they have. Edd was like your best friend, and you told him everything. You even told him about your crush on one of his friends, and he promised not to tell.

When Edd saw that you had been listening in on the conversation, he panicked and tried to get Tom to talk about something else. Edd's heart shattered when he saw you crying, and he tried to run over to you. He knew he messed up, and he probably screwed over his friendship with you.

It hurt so much that you began to cry, and you bolted away. You ran all the way to the apartment you shared with Tori Karlsen, Tord's sister. You skipped the rest of the classes you had, which were night classes, and ran all the way home. You kept crying as you finally saw your shared house and fumbled with the keys, finally opening the door and slamming it shut as you sniffled. You didn't know if Tori was home at the time, and so you trudged to your room as you dropped your bags to the floor.

You stared at yourself in your mirror, running your hands through your hair, and softly touched your ears. You began to cry again, "No one likes me because I'm a freak. I hate myself!" You cried, curling into a ball on your bed.

Tori WAS home. She was getting ready for her next cam girl video as she bought some new toys to use. Tori didn't mind being a cam girl, she loved making guys and girls squirm under her gaze. She bought a new vibrator and a tentacle dildo from Bad Dragons. She was getting the video webcam set up as she noticed a bunch of her regulars already filling into the room, chatting with one another about what would be here today.

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