Smile (Tom x Reader)

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  this is kinda short and i had a bit of motivation to finish it... sorry.. yeah, also i drew that picture of tom smiling because i was lazy and couldn't find one of him genuinely smiling.

 yeah, also i drew that picture of tom smiling because i was lazy and couldn't find one of him genuinely smiling

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In all your life, you've never seen Tom smile. Sure, he has smiled when Tord fell down the stairs or gave a smug grin when he's pranked Edd or Matt, even you, but you've never seen him give you a genuine smile. You wondered if he ever happy with something in his life? Yeah, he's had a lot of up and downs in his life, but there has to be something he is happy about. Right?

So, you were gonna prod and annoy Tom until he smiled. Because this was gonna bug you until you got a result. You were highly curious why he never smiled. So you set out a plan to get Tom to smile. It varied in alot of ways; basically you ended up stalking him because you wanted to see if he smiled.

It was really weird really... You didn't follow him into the bathroom though. You understood boundaries, and you didn't want Tom to be more mad at you than he already was. He was probably pissed off because you were stalking him. You didn't care at the moment because all you wanted to see was Tom smile.

After about 100 attempts to get him to smile, you gave up and just accepted defeat. He was a hard case to crack, and everything you tried failed miserably. You had tried setting about only half of Tord's hentai stash on fire (only half because you didn't need Tord to strangle you for destroying all his porn) to see if Tom would crack a real smile. Turns out Tom only laughed at Tord and just went on his way as you ran the hell away from Tord, promising him you would buy him more porn.

You slumped over the back of the couch in defeat, waving at Edd who was sitting on the couch. "Hey Edd." You mumbled at the cola addict, lazily slipping over the couch.

"Hey, Y/N." Edd nodded to you, petting Ringo in his lap as he sipped on some cola.

It was a quiet evening in the household as Tom had gone out for some beer at the bar, and Tord was still pissy that you destroyed his porn collection. Matt was probably in his room looking at his treasures and himself obviously. Edd was chilling downstairs with you and Ringo. You sighed in defeat, closing your eyes.

"Can I ask a quick question?" Edd broke the silence.

You looked up at him since you were lying upside down on the couch. "Shoot."

"Why are you harassing Tom?"

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