Sober Confessions (Tom x Reader)

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This is a part 2 of that Drunken Kisses Tom oneshot I had made early on. Someone asked for it, and I'm so sorry its really fucking short. I couldn't think of anything else to write for it.


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After Tom had drunkenly kissed you and confessed his love, you had actually began to avoid Tom for weeks because you couldn't even look at him straight in the eyes. You would tense and blush and basically make a fool of yourself. You doubted Tom even remembered that little kiss considering how smashed he was... That kinda hurt really.

Maybe it wasn't meant to be considering he didn't even remotely show any kind of affection towards you when he was sober. Maybe you hallucinated it, or he mistook you for someone else. Ok, that would suck if he mistook you for someone else. You were a person; not a toy.

You had been left alone in your room to try and settle those negative thoughts plaguing your mind. You wanted to know if Tom really did like you, or if he was just playing with you. You were very sure he didn't act like Tord, even though Tom was an asshole, he wasn't Tord. He wouldn't do something like that...right?

Your door creaked open, and you dismissed it as Ringo slipping through to comfort you in your woes. You were very wrong as it was not Ringo, but it was in fact Tom. But you didn't know it because you were still in deep thought. Your bed shifted a little assuming Ringo jumped up there and decided to hear you out.

"Ringo, I'm afraid to ask Tom what he really thinks of me. I mean that one day where I had to watch other him because the others went out..... He kissed me, and he confessed his love for me. I'm guessing it was because he was very smashed, and he clearly doesn't remember it... It really hurts. I liked him back, but I guess he was teasing me or mistook me for the person he liked in his drunken state. I'm probably not anywhere near his type." You smiled sadly, sighing.

"You're very wrong, Y/N. Oh so, wrong."

You were very startled as you let out a small yelp and turned around to see Tom grinning a cheeky smile. He had fucking heard you. He fucking knows you like him. You just wanted the ground to swallow you up right now. "I-It's not what you think! I-I..." You panicked. You had no way of saving your ass from this outcome. Prepare for rejection!

"Is this why you were avoiding me? Because you thought I played with you?" Tom asked.

You looked away for a moment. "I... Yes, I thought you used me as a toy. I was going to ask you about it, but I got too scared to might possibly be rejected. I really like you. And I thought you were really smashed to even realize what you had done." You dared to take a quick look at him, regretting it instantly because your eyes were locked with his.

When you tried to look away, he gently held your chin making you look at him. "Y/N, I do like you. It was very rude of me not to confirm this when I was done with my hangover. I was an asshole. Still am an asshole, but hey.. you love me anyway right?" He smiled, leaning in and kissing you.

It was a short kiss, but it was very sweet. Obviously he liked you back as much as you liked him. When you both pulled away, looking lovingly into each other's eyes, you both fell back on the bed. Cuddling each other in a sweet bliss. "I love you Tom."

"I love you too, Y/N."

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