Mirror World (Matt x Crystal! Reader)

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Ok, so there are two songs for this oneshot, but I can only add one on top, but I can add another down here when I'm done talking :P TAZ is fucking beautiful, and its the first ever DND podcast that has caused me to cry. I liked where this first started out, and then it turned terrible at the end. This is the song you sing:


"Awwww, you have to leave so soon?" Matilda whined as she saw Matt heading back to the mirror to head home. Back to his world really, where everyone was the same and not a female version. He had come by to catch up with Matilda for a minute and talk about fashion.

"Sorry, Matilda. I gotta head home! The guys must be worried sick about me! I've stayed over here for two days. I'll come back in two months though, I promise!" Matt laughed, waving at her as he descended into the mirror to head home.

Something went terribly wrong though. He didn't wind up back in his living room in his world. He found himself in a long hallway of mirrors. Each mirror hung up on the pastel blue walls had a different colored frame, and a little sign under each and every one of them. When Matt looked back at the mirror to where he was just at, he saw it was darkened and it had said "Ellsworld" on the little placard.

Matt tried to go through the mirror to see if it was just a mistake, but went he touched the mirror, it was solid. He couldn't go back! Matt was slightly panicking because he was probably stuck in a world he didn't know. What dangers lurked around every corner, and what if he never got out? Would he see his friends again? Would they even care?

Matt knew he was lying to Matilda when he told her they would be "worried sick". His friends didn't care for him. He was a terrible person. He only cared about himself, and he knew that. They only put up with him because after Tord left, Edd needed someone to fill in that empty space in his heart. And at first it was Matt but now its turned into Tom. Matt shook his head to get rid of those negative thoughts.

"My friends do care about me." He quietly said as he walked down the hall, looking at the various 'portals' on the walls. "Tomsworld, Mattsworld, Tordsworld, Myworld.... What the hell are these names?" He saw the mirrors and peered closer, examining them closely to see what sort of world lurked in them. Three of the mirrors didn't work or they weren't accessible. Myworld was working though, but it gave off such a scary and eerie aura that Matt didn't wanna touch it.

He didn't even need to touch it as a large dark blue snake monster with glowing acid green eyes emerged out of it and roared at him. Matt yelled and ran down the halls to where a set of white doors were standing. He looked behind himself to see the creature gaining on him with such speed he never knew snakes had. It was going to eat him!

The doors opened for Matt, strangely before he even touched them, and allowed him passage through as he landed on the checkered floor with a thud. He panted a little, flipping over on his back to see the snake monster flying towards him as it hit an invisible barrier. The monster screeched and hissed, trying to get to Matt. It eventually gave up seeing that it couldn't eat the boy and slithered back into the mirror it came from.

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