Dumped But Not For Long (Tom x Heartbroken Reader)

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There you were sitting alone on a bench at Disneyworld, waiting for your boyfriend to come back like he said he would 35 minutes ago. You knew he had probably just ditched you and decided to date some other person he found hot. The spark between you both faded out years ago. You never understood why he stayed with you if he didn't love you anymore. You did like him, but not in a romantic sense anymore, that probably was pointless now that you think about it. He said he was going to get a drink for you both, but he never came back and now it was getting late out at night.

The park would probably start closing up in a few more minutes or so, and you didn't see any of your boyfriend Tord. It was a safe bet that he had dumped you here and basically left you to do whatever you wanted. You were fine with being dumped (no not actually, you were heart broken because he had actually bought you an engagement ring some time ago), but you were not ok with being left at a park alone in the dark. And it had started raining. Great.

You sighed, feeling yourself cry a little at the thought of being dumped at Disneyworld. That was a wonderful treat was it not? To be dumped at the place where your anniversary was happening. You looked at your engagement ring on your finger, playing with it a little bit as you saw that the park was closing as the lights were going off and people were leaving. You were left sitting on a bench under a massive tree that was providing cover for you from the rain.

You didn't want to get up because you had nowhere to go. Your boy... your ex-boyfriend was probably in the hotel room with some person getting it on, and he probably threw your stuff out out of the room too. You were dumped out in the rain and cold with no where to go. You were lost and scared. You began to sniffle and then finally began to quietly sob into your hands.

"Excuse me miss/mister, the park is closed. You have to go back to your hotel room." A British young adult male voice startled you out of your sobbing.

You looked up, sniffling a little to see a fairly tanned skin young adult male with a deadpan expression on his face. In what little light you could see that he had a snake bite piercing and little piercings on his ears. His eyes, well it looked like he had no eyes because they were completely covered black. He had a small stubble. His hair was a dark brown color that spiked up. He had on a security outfit with a flashlight in his hands.

"Miss/Mister, are you ok?" He asked again, noticing that you were not in a happy state of mind at all. He inched closer to inspect you further to only find that you had been crying. "Did something happen?" He asked.

You tried to stop crying. "Nothing sir! I am completely fine, I was just waiting for my boy... my... friend to come pick me up. It seems they are late." You tried to hide the fact you got dumped at Disneyworld. You didn't need to tell this security guard that you were just dumped. It wasn't his business to know.

He raised an eyebrow. "Ok? But as I was saying its closed now, you have to go." He started to say when suddenly it started to downpour really hard. He stood there in the rain for a minute before seeing that you were motioning him to come sit underneath the cover of the tree with yourself. He sighed, walking over to the bench and sitting down as he tried to wring out the water from his clothes. "This sucks."

"Yeah, it really does." You said quietly, hearing your phone go off with a small little ringtone. It was his ringtone, and you were not going to answer that after what he did to you. You tried to ignore it.

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