American Boy (USA Tom x Neko Female Reader) NSFW

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Hey guys, after this oneshot, I'm going to take break because I've been lazy and haven't been writing anymore oneshots. I have a huge list to write with, but I've been in a major setback of depression. I'll upload again when I have a few more chapters written.


Tommie, a black young adult man with dreadlocks and completely black eyes, was looking his bed in shock as he almost dropped his towel that was around his waist. He rubbed his eyes with his free hand to see if he was dreaming or not. You see, right in front of him was a half naked girl with cat ears and a tail, snoozing on his bed. She only wore a set of lacy underwear and one of his tank tops. He wondered if he was high, and if he was tripping. "Am I tripping? There's a half naked girl on my bed with cat ears and a tail..."

Tommie crept around his bed, leaning forwards and poked the girl on the shoulder softly before realizing she was indeed real. His eyes widened, and he nearly tripped over the various piles of clothes in his room. "Fuck!" He cursed, falling down while dropping his towel.

"Oh, you're finally out." A voice purred out from his bed.

Tommie looked over his shoulder to see the cat girl was wide awake now and staring at him in annoyance. "Who the fuck are you?" He asked.

"Oh, you don't remember me?" The girl pouted. "It's me, Spots. The cat you have been taking care of for three years now." She twitched her black and white ears and tail to prove a point. "Also, my name is Y/N, by the way."

Tommie was sure as hell he was high as hell. "This can't be real." He held his head. "I'm just high as fuck right now."

Y/N slipped off the bed and crawled on top of Tommie. "I'm as real as they come. I decided to come out in this form to tell you something important." She mewled, setting her head down on Tommie's chest.

Tommie looked down at the girl on his chest in confusion. "And what would that be?"

"I want you to stop fucking a new girl every goddamn night. I'm trying to sleep. I can't sleep with you fucking a girl." Y/N hissed at him. She was purring as she felt Tommie slowly pet her head.

Tommie was amazed that there was a half naked cat girl laying on top of him at the moment that nothing else mattered. He then knew why this was happening, he remembered that Spots was acting very iffy every time he brought over a girl to fuck. This explains it now, Spots was jealous! Tommie smirked, laughing a little which caused Y/N to look up in confusion.

"What's so funny?" Y/N asked.

Tommie leaned up a bit so that Y/N was on his stomach as he smiled down at her. He could tell he was confusing her alot since her ears were twitching a little. "Are you jealous?"

Y/N shot up so she put her hands on his chest, threatening to pierce the skin with her claws. "Jealous? Of what?" She asked a little confused.

Tommie didn't want to admit it, but he was getting a hard-on at that moment. Y/N was sitting on his crotch which was lined up perfectly to his dick. He felt her underwear fabric on his dick, rubbing it a little as it went unnoticed. "Are you jealous I'm fucking other girls instead of you?" He asked a little slightly weirded out that he said that. He was basically asking his cat if she was jealous that.. you get the idea.

Y/N's face lit up like a light bulb. Her mad temper just melted into a puddle as she fidgeted a little. "N-No! I am not! I'm your pet cat for fucks sake! That's bestiality." She glared at him.

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