Save Me (Matt x Suicidal Reader)

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Before I start this, I want to say that this has cutting and suicidal attempts in it hence the title. I do not like joking about this because I am suicidal and I've tried to help myself with it. I've tried to kill myself a few times, and failed obviously, but don't even about doing it. It's not worth it. Ok, I'm done.


"Hello you have reached the Suicide Hotline, my name is Matt, how may I help you today?" Today was another day in Matt Hardwick's daily life to answer the calls of so many people who wanted to end their life. He somehow managed to save everyone who called him, they never died on his watch. Not once. Although Matt was happy he saved people's lives, he was very... empty. He never thought about ending his own life at all though because he knew his friends would grieve over him. "Hello? Is anyone there?" He asked, wondering if someone prank called him.

"H-Hello..." A small voice asked. It was so quiet that Matt could barely hear it.

"Hello there, I'm sorry. I can't hear you. Could you speak up for me?"

"Hello! Oh, I'm sorry if that was loud. I'm bad at talking, my friend is the one who called you guys and then shoved me the phone." The voice was soft, a little panicky.

Matt smiled, "It's alright, I just couldn't hear you very well. If your friend called, then shouldn't they be on the phone?"

The voice on the line laughed, "They aren't suicidal. I am."

Matt figured as much, "Mind if I ask why you're suicidal?"

"I'm just fed up with my life right now. I can't seem to do anything right. I get yelled at for the dumbest things, and I get blamed for no matter what I do."

Matt nodded even though he couldn't be seen, "Alright, that sounds kinda like normal things other kids deal with."

"I'm not a kid!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. It sounded like you were..." Matt tried to apologize.

"It's cool, everyone calls me a kid anyway. I'm 20 years old."

"Around the same age as me then." Matt smiled.

"Cool, I guess. I don't even know why my friend called. This isn't working."

Matt panicked, "No, don't hang up. I'm not very good with calls is all. I tend to ramble and forget what I'm talking about."

"Sounds like me to be honest... Your name's Matt right?"

"Yeah?" Matt asked, a little confused. Most people didn't remember his name only to say thanks for the help or such.

"My name is Y/N. I think you're helping me calm down. Thanks." And with that the line went dead.

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