Protect Me (Alpha Tom x Omega Reader)

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Your name was Y/N L/N. You were a very happy and kind Omega. Keyword 'were' because now, you were frightened that your abusive Alpha would come back home from work and beat you and force you to do things you didn't want to do. You were covered in bruises that he hid when you went out with long sleeved clothes and pants. There were bite marks, and lacerations all over your body. Fresh and old alike covered your body like tattoos. You were in pain, but you were to scared to tell anyone about it. They wouldn't believe you because everyone thought your alpha was the sweetest person in the world, but they were oh so wrong.

Right now you were making dinner for you alpha in hopes that he wouldn't attack you when he got home. He usually went out drinking with a few buddies after work, and when he arrived home, things got hectic. He used to be so kind and loving for the first few years of your relationship with, but something changed and he took all his frustrations out on you. You didn't love him anymore; you wanted to escape, but you didn't know where to go. They would all turn you back to your alpha; many failed attempts ended in severe punishment.

The door opened and you jumped a little, dropping a plate as it shattered on the ground. You blanched at the sight of it, trying your best to pick up the pieces as fast as you could before he saw it. It was already too late as he entered the kitchen, reeking of booze and snarled at you. You shivered and cowered before him, trying to throw away the broken pieces before he grabbed you and shoved you down into the mess of ceramic shards. You cried in pain as the sensations of sharp edges cut into you. "P-Please! I'm sorry!" You whimpered.

He only laughed at you, pressing you harder down onto the shards. He pulled your shirt up, taking out his switchblade and began carving into your stomach. "You are a worthless little bitch. No one else, but me will ever like you." He laughed as he heard you crying out in pain for him to stop. He got a little lightheaded as he sat there for a moment before getting up and going to his room. "Have dinner ready in 10 minutes." He simply said, closing the door.

You cried, sitting there for a minute before getting the glass shards out of your face and into the trashcan. Blood dripped down your stomach, bleeding into your shirt. You had already gotten dinner ready, so you were set. Then your eyes locked onto the door that was still open. You could escape! You were going to escape this rotten hell hole, and away from his evil man. You didn't hesitate as you bolted out of the door and into the streets, huffing a little.

"GET BACK HERE YOU BITCH!" Your alpha screamed, making you freeze as you saw him coming after you.

You bolted down the streets, through alleyways, as you thought of one place you could go to. An old friend named Edd Gold lived nearby. He was a beta, a very nice and understanding beta that helped you alot of times in the past. You ran there without any second thought, shoving people out of the way after apologizing to them and finally you found yourself at his house. It looked like it was about to rain so you quickly knocked on his door, glancing around for your alpha.

The person who opened the door wasn't Edd or Matt, another beta. It was an alpha who opened the door. He had light brown hair that spiked up, completely black eyes, a few piercings, and fair tanned skin. He wore a blue hoody and gray sweat pants. The scent coming from this alpha scared you and calmed you a little, it scared you because you could smell smirnoff coming straight from him. He meant you no harm. "Hello?" The alpha asked you, staring down at you. "Can I help you?"

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