Cola Boy (Edd x Reader)

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Hey, PSSST, watch Motorcity. I will continue to say this in every chapter because this show needs more love and affection.

 I will continue to say this in every chapter because this show needs more love and affection

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Edd was checking the fridge to get some Cola when he noticed his last one was missing. He knew there was one more in there since he checked yesterday, "Where's my last can of Cola?" He asked himself looking around the room. He spotted Ringo pawing at something on the ground. Edd walked over there and bent down to see one of y/n's anime keychains. He narrowed his eyes. "Y/n, it was you..." He clenched his fist.

Ringo mewled at Edd, tilting his head to the side.

Edd trudged up the stairs to y/n's room, not bothering to knock on the door. "Y/N! I know you took my last can of Coke!" He barged right in startling them.

You looked at Edd in shock, his Cola spilled all over your favorite shirt and soaked through your pants. "Edd! You scared the shit outta me! And now I am sticky, thank you very much, buddy." You got up to throw the Cola can away only to find Edd blocking the way with a glare in his eyes. "Edd move, I'm covered in soda."

Edd glanced down at you. He felt his face heat up when he noticed that your favorite shirt was colored white, and he could see through. He was struggling to keep himself stern because all he could do was stare at you. "Y-Y/N... You stole my last c-can of Cola! I demand a r-refund!" He stuttered.

You raised your eyebrow, following his gaze to your see-through shirt. You laughed a little, "Like what ya see?"

Edd's face went even redder, trying to hide his face from your knowing smile. "I... I uh..." He backpedaled into your room as he found himself switched around somehow and fell backward onto your bed. He started sweating a little, looking everywhere else but you.

"My precious Cola baby. Are you flustered?" You stalked towards him, like a predator on its prey. You climbed up on your bed, straddling Edd's waist as he let out a little squeak. You leaned down towards his face, pinning his hands above his head, and smiled at Edd. "Edd~"

Edd looked away from you, his heart beating faster than ever before. This reaction was because he had developed a huge crush on you over the years you lived with them. He liked how you acted. You were sassy sometimes, and then shy other times. Your love for animals caused Edd to laugh sometimes because he saw you interacting with Ringo when you thought no one was home. He really loved you.

You looked down at the flustered Cola boy underneath you. Your face began to glow red. What am I doing?! You were beginning to become nervous as you realized Edd might be uncomfortable with what you were doing. "Edd, I'm sorry! I was just... uh... I got caught up in the moment. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable!" You began to apologize profusely, letting his hands go as you covered your own face with your hands. Suddenly your hands were removed, and you saw a blushing Edd staring right at you. "E-Edd?"

"No need to be sorry, Y/N. I kind of liked it. I'm sorry for this though." He said which confused you before he leaned upwards and kissed you on the lips. After he got done kissing you, he leaned back and pulled you up to him. He began to cuddle you, "Y/N, you know I love you right?"

You felt your heart pound a mile a minute. Your face was entirely red as probably Tord's hoody. "No, but I do know now Edd. I love you too." You kissed Edd's cheek, snuggling closer to him.

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